Childhood essays
B-cell precursor […], childhood essays. County data shows the adult diabetes rate for Turner County is higher than the rate in the state childhood essays 3. The past twenty years have seen a tremendous increase in obesity cases. Sebastian H. Associations between overweight and obesity with bullying behaviors in school-aged children. I felt relieved that I did not spill any coffee on my clothing, as this would have required that I remove a stain from the cloth with a nondominant hand, childhood essays, hardly an easy feat! She then pointed to the black boy Stern-LaRosa and Bettman
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Childhood obesity is becoming prevalent with every passing day, almost uniformly in the developed parts of the world. This problem needs to be discussed on important forums so that substantial solutions can be sort for this issue as this is creating a childhood essays of burden on the government as well as the parents of the children who become obese. Childhood obesity is defined as a condition in which the child has excess amount of childhood essays fat that has the tendency to affect the health of a child in a negative way.
However, there are no specific methods to determine the obesity of a child directly, physicians and nutritionists often use the index of MI to determine whether or not a child is normal, overweight or obese. As mentioned earlier, obesity in children is becoming more prevalent than ever and is also affecting the well-being and health of the children adversely;…. Bibliography Hochberg, Z, childhood essays. Child health, developmental plasticity, and epigenetic programming. Endocrine Reviews, 32 2-- Burrowes, JD, childhood essays.
Preventing heart disease today and tomorrow in youth. Nutrition Today 45 1 Leuke, Lesley Devouring Childhood Obesity Byhelping Children Help Themselves. Journal of Legal Medicine, -- Childhood essays, Ji and Hooker, Neal H, childhood essays. Childhood Obesity and Schools: Evidence from the National Survey of Children's Health. Childhood essays of School Health. Childhood Obesity Growing here some oppose the idea of childhood obesity being a disease, there is still a growing epidemic where children's weight exceed the normal weight per height and age and increasing health concerns that must be addressed with a commitment to appropriate action plans to reduce and eliminate childhood obesity.
The last decade has seen an increase childhood essays obesity rates in children. Physical activity is limited with obese children. Obese children have more tendencies to be couch potatoes watching TV and…. Works Cited Frelick, M. AMA declares obesity a disease. Retrieved from Medscape medical news. Conference news. jsp Russel, E. Kentucky State Nutrition, Physical Childhood essays, and Obesity Profile. Childhood Hunger and Structional Functionalism Childhood Hunger and Structural-Functionalism Theory In this essay, I have discussed about childhood hunger.
I have described how poverty, hunger, and lack of education play childhood essays major role in childhood hunger. I have tried to link low income, nutrition and education with childhood hunger and their long-term effects. I have tried to correlate and integrate all these topics and have presented a macro-level perspective. In the end, childhood essays, I have applied structural -functionalism theory to childhood hunger. Hunger can be described as "the compelling need or desire for food coupled with the physiological, painful sensation childhood essays state of weakness caused by the need of food" "Hunger and Food Security in Canada". It is a common belief childhood essays only developing nations face hunger and industrialized nations do not experience hunger as a major issue considering their wealth and prosperity.
However, this is a total misinterpretation as a…. Childhood essays Andersen, childhood essays, M. Sociology with Infotrac: Understanding a Diverse Society, Casebound. Belmont: Thomson Learning Inc. Berg, J. Poverty in Half over the Next Decade. Center for American Progress, n. Cook, J. Covington, P. Success in Sociology. Buckhingamshire: Folens Limited, Childhood Obesity in America The authorities can only address the issue of childhood obesity by educating people on the negative effects that the condition imposes, because only then can they get everyone, childhood essays, whether personally affected or not, aboard, and working towards a common childhood obesity-eradication goal The U. Conference of Mayors, childhood essays, In order to do this, however, the authorities themselves ought to be at the forefront; people need to see the seriousness of the matter through the willingness and commitment of their leaders.
The role of parents and caregivers cannot be overstated when it comes to the determination of what a child eats, and their attitudes towards physical activity St, childhood essays. Jeor, et al, childhood essays. Children view their parents as their primary mediators of change, and, in…. References AHA. Overweight in Children. The American Heart Association. jsp Bishop, J. Childhood Obesity. Department of Health and Human Services. cfm CDC. Childhood Obesity Facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. htm Petrou, childhood essays, I. Fight Childhood Obesity on Multiple Fronts.
Clinical Psychiatry News Academic One File. Childhood obesity is one of the most discussed health problems in the United States, and is a growing health issue in many places worldwide. The reason that childhood obesity is a worry for healthcare officials will be discussed in this childhood essays, along with statistics that show the current trends. Also, potential solutions to this crisis will also be presented, childhood essays. How childhood essays Obesity defined? The Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA defines obesity using the "body mass index" BMI as a guide post.
Obesity is defined as BMI "…at or above the 95th percentile for children of the same age and sex" JAMA. In other words, a boy who is 3 years of age of "average height" who weighs "more than 37 pounds would be considered obese" JAMA. Works Cited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Obesity and extreme obesity rates decline Among low-income preschool children. Jiang, childhood essays, M. Duration of Breastfeeding and Childhood Obesity: A Generalized Propensity Score Approach. Health Research childhood essays Educational Trust, 48 2 Childhood Obesity Study The research study titled, "Parents' perceptions and attitudes on childhood obesity: AQ-methodology study" childhood essays Akhtar-Danesh et al, childhood essays.
Due to the nature of the research experiment, the test that was used was an appropriate method to attain the necessary information. In this particular experiment, the data collection procedures entailed collecting answers from parents by having them answer twenty questions about their feelings on the three aforementioned topics. The data was a childhood essays sample collected at a Medical Center in Canada Akhtar-Danesh, Their subjects consisted of twenty parents that were already available and able to accurately answer their questions. They were asked their opinions in a face-to-face manner and were allowed to answer in any way that…. References: Akhtar-Danesh, N, childhood essays. Parents' Perceptions and attitudes on childhood obesity: AQ-methodology study.
Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. Babbie, E. The Practice of Social Research. Belmont, CA. Wadsworth Cengage Learning. In the 90s, sugar, cookies, snacks and candies were amongst the foods that were most advertised on the TV. Since the 80s, the ads showing high fat and high sodium foods has almost doubled, childhood essays. Effects of Movie and TV show Characters on Eating habits of American Children There has been a great increase in the usage of cross promotions by the fast food companies as well. Other than this, one of the most important facts that have been concluded by the researches is that increased television viewing is increasingly linked with several eating disorders in the children.
More than U. With this, an additional childhood essays highlighted by the studies is that the buying behaviors of the parents are very much influenced by the children. The things that are bought by the parents…, childhood essays. References Ebbeling, B. Childhood obesity: public-health crisis, common sense cure. Lancet -- Gortmaker, S.
second person essay
Psychology Today. childhood any less safe and enjoyable now than in the past? Childhood is a period that initiates a change in the perspective of the family or the parents involved. It entails the aspect of responsibilities and commitments for the parent to ensure safe and secure parenting for the child. However, concerns continue to arise due to the dynamic nature of the society. The society keeps on evolving, changing various aspects and practices within the community. Through these developments, the child does not escape the eventual outcomes from these changes. Social construction consists of incorporation of new practices, which develop into the norm of the society while the old are replaced through these procedures and changes. The child faces challenges in their adaptive mechanisms as these changes come with risks, anxieties, worries and fear from the eminent social changes.
The social changes led to the evolution of a generalized world, in…. childhood is a fascinating time for children, and the adults around them who watch them grow. It is a time of exploration, self construction, and improved understanding. Middle childhood is between the ages of 6 and 8, with some reports extending that age range to as much as 11 years old CDC This is the period of the child who is featured in this observation and empirical analysis. She and her two parents live in a suburban neighborhood that can be seen as middle class. She is about six and a half, and has just entered elementary schooling in the context of first grade. As she closes in on her first year of real school, it is clear how the social environment of that school has impacted her overall development.
The observation was carried out in three stages. First, I met her and her mother at a local park,…. References Bunce, Guy. Educational implications of Vygotsky's zone of proximal development on collaborative work in the classroom. pdf Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Middle childhood. html Harmon, Deborah A. Elementary Education: A Reference Handbook. Karpowitz, Dennis. Emotional and Social Development in Middle Childhood. University of Kansas. Another study conducted by Deblinger, et al. This should be however mentioned that sample size of virtually all the intervention programs was limited ranging from that makes it difficult to opine whether or not such studies can be implemented successfully at a larger scale.
Conclusion The empirical knowledge in context of interventions in treating abused adolescents and children is still limited and needs much more research. There is a lack of follow-up programs for each intervention program being presented as both Ahmed, et al. This indicates that there is an increased need to assess…. References Ahmad, A. EMDR treatment for children with PTSD: Results of a randomized controlled trial. Nordic journal of psychiatry, 61 5 , Chaffin, M. Evidence-based treatments in child abuse and neglect. Children and youth services review, 26 11 , Cohen J. Cohen, J. A treatment outcome study for sexually abused preschool children: Initial findings. The largest study of children's health is on course to make discoveries that could improve health for generations to come, according to its planners, including the possibility of new treatments and life-saving prevention strategies.
However, proposed flat funding levels could slow the progress of the study. Created by the Children's Health Act of , the National Children's Study will follow the health and development of , children from before birth until age 21, focusing on the links between environment and health. The study, led by the U. Department of Health and Human Services and the U. Environmental Protection Agency, hopes to identify the root causes of various childhood diseases and disabilities and uncover how a broad array of environmental factors impact development. In addition, the study is predicted to shed light on costly conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and obesity. Planning for the study began in and eventually gathered…. References Krisberg, K. National Study on Children's Health to Provide Wealth of Information.
Nation's Health, 35 4 , Phelps, J. Environmental Health Perspective, 3 , A Shaheen, , March. Obesity and Asthma: Cause for Concern?. Von Kries, R. Is obesity a risk factor for childhood asthma?. Allergy, 56 4 , and sometimes enveloping stance towards the black, which extends beyond the human to the portrayal of animals. References An-Na'Im, Abdullahi, Cultural Transformation and Normative Consensus on the Best Interests of the Child. in: P. Alston, ed. The Best Interests of the Child: Reconciling Culture and Human Rights.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, , Burman, Erica, Appealing and Appalling Children. Psychoanalytic Studies, 1 3 , The Abnormal Distribution of Development: policies for Southern women and children. Freeman, Michael, The Moral Status of Children: Essays on the Rights of the Child. The Hague, the Netherlands: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Teens often call the abuse of inhalants "huffing. There is also a strong correlation between depression and huffing: "Between and , an estimated , youths aged used inhalants and also experienced depression in the past year," and depressed teens were more than three times as likely to start using inhalants, as "the reverse is also true, showing that teens often started using inhalants before depression began" Inhalants and huffing, , Parents: The antidrug.
Besides exhibiting the symptoms of depression, such as moody or withdrawn behavior, teens who are huffing may smell like the substance they are abusing, appear drunk or uncoordinated, and slur their speech. Missing household products, rags that smell like chemicals that can be abused…. Reference Inhalants. Teen drug abuse. html Inhalants and huffing. Parents: The antidrug. Other determining factors influencing long-term affects of abuse to a child include: Whether the child's mother is supportive and child can confide in her. Whether the child's experiences success at school Whether the child has nurturing relationships with peers. Childhood intimacy problems and sexual abuse, interacting with family background, contribute the child's developing self-esteem and sense or "world" mastery being disrupted.
Sexual Abuse "Signs" Effects of early sexual abuse, which include childhood intimacy problems, last well into a person's adulthood and effect their relationships, family and work. Individual symptomatology tends to be reflected into the following four areas: 1. Bibliography Adams. Profile: Sexual predators solicit children on the Internet," All Things Considered NPR , June 19, BETTER ANSWER to SEXUAL PREDATORS. Editorial Editorial ," Seattle Post Intelligencer Seattle, WA , June 15, Bolen, Rebecca M.. childhood obesity in the United States and many of the other estern nations have been growing at an alarming pace. This topic is interesting for many reasons. One such reason is that childhood obesity affects the first world at a much higher rate than developing nations.
As society grows more technologically advanced and has mass produced foods then this seems to open many dietary challenges. Although food may be plentiful, the nutritional value is poor in cheaper foods in the United States that are processed and packaged. For example, there are a variety of cheap packaged pastries and soda drinks that are highly portable, inexpensive, and easily accessible which makes them popular among many demographics. This analysis will look at childhood obesity from many angles and try to develop a campaign that can help mitigate this growing trend. Childhood Obesity Risks There are many factors that have been identified that….
Works Cited Baidal, J. Protecting Progress against Childhood Obesity -- The National School Lunch Program. The New England Journal of Medicine, Chen, M. Simultaneous determination of residues in pollen and high-fructose corn syrup from eight neonicotinoid insecticides by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Chicago Defender. Obesity and Fat Farm Subsidies. Chicago Defender, 1. Chung, M. Fructose, high-fructose corn syrup, sucrose, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease or indexes of liver health: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, OBESITY Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity: An epidemiological overview Community and population Childhood obesity is an increasingly serious problem in America and around the world.
Obesity in all demographic categories in the U. is increasing; however the increase in the rate of obesity for young people is particularly worrisome. The longer an individual is obese over the course of his or her lifetime, the greater the social and financial costs. Obese persons experience school and workplace harassment; have difficulty fully participating in the full range of physical activities needed for health and personal well-being because of joint-related issues such as osteoarthritis; and incur higher healthcare costs as a result of a greater risk of suffering from diabetes, heart disease, and certain kinds of cancer.
The longer the person is obese, the greater these risks are compounded and today's generation of obese children may never have a memory of what it is…. References Childhood obesity facts. htm Healthier food access. Health People Childhood Home The house I lived in when I was a child lay quietly shaded by forty acres of trees. In the springtime, we would hear the soft tapping of the newly sprouting leaves in the wind. The summer would come with the pervading squeal of tree frogs that could be heard when eating a Popsicle on the deck or answering the phone, when we would have to cover up one ear to help stop the noise. In the autumn, the leaves of these trees would drift lazily down to earth by the dozens.
And even in winter, when the leaves were under the snow and it seemed that even the trees great lives were stagnant, their shadows would loom over and calm the glare of the bleach-white snow. Although everyone lived amongst them, we, the children of the neighborhood, owned the trees and woods. At least that was how…. obesity is a growing problem that negatively strikes the health of many children in Canada. This rate of obesity continuously increases every year, thus, resulting to the widespread concern of Canada's national healthcare system to solve the problem of obesity.
This study finds the prevalence of obesity, particularly in the childhood years of Canada's children, a major health dilemma. Obesity is a major disease because it is not only a problem of being unhealthfully overweight, but also a health crisis that leads to other serious health ailments such as heart disease and diabetes. With the alarming increase in rate of obese Canadians, this study finds it important to provide the public with sufficient information about obesity. Bibliography Johnston, J. Eating Disorders and Childhood Obesity: Who are the real gluttons? Canadian Medical Association Journal, , Willms, J. Early Childhood Obesity: A Call for Early Surveillance and Preventive Measures. Canadian Medical Association Journal, , 3. Tremblay, M. Is the Canadian Childhood Obesity Epidemic Related to Physical Inactivity?
International Journal of Obesity, 27, There is a significant limitation to this health promotion proposal. A moderate-sized study investigating the efficacy of the LEAP program revealed small, non-significant improvements in BMI at the 9-month assessment, but none at the month follow-up McCallum et al. However, family reports of enrolled children engaging in more exercise and eating healthier did reach statistical significance at both time points. The authors of this report argue that these findings are too preliminary to draw hard conclusions. Moodie and colleagues mention that a much larger LEAP study is underway. The short time-span of the intervention may also be a problem, since a 2-year….
References Australian Bureau of Statistics. Table Estimated resident population by single year of age, Australia. BLS U. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational Outlook Handbook, Edition. Manger, William, M. et al. Obesity prevention in young schoolchildren: Results of a pilot study. Journal of School Health, 82 10 , McCallum, Z. International Journal of Obesity, 31, Policy-Priority Issue on "Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is considered to a global epidemic demanding prioritizing in policy and health care reform. This is a disorder that has a lot of effects on long-term and acute health, as well as increasing the risk for other illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoarthritis, and particular kinds of cancer.
This essay brings up my personal interest in the disorder of childhood obesity, also, the significance to nursing, problem sources, and prioritizing the level of action to best achieve the objective of eliminating obesity in childhood. Why it is important to me This paper was important to write because there are quite a few family members of mine that have an extended history of Type II Diabetes. I want to diminish any chances of my children getting any of these conditions down the road. Furthermore, I live in Atlanta, Georgia, which is considered to….
References Brownson RC, C. Understanding evidence-based public health policy. Public Health, 23 6 , Brownson RC, J. Bridging the gap: translating research into policy and practice. Prev Med, 49 4 , Hawe P, S. Theorising interventions as events in systems. American Journal Community Psychology, 12 7 , Jilcott S, A. Applying the RE-AIM framework to assess the public health impact of policy change. Ann Behav Med, 34 2 , Pryor, E. Grogan-Kaylor, a. Itzin, C. Home Truths About Child Sexual Abuse: A eader. Jouriles, E. Lincoln, B. Cited in: BrainyQuote. html Miller, K. Arlington, Tx, February, Minnis, H. Definitions in Federal Law. cfm "National Child Abuse Statistics. The next stage was parallel play in which children copy one another or play with the same toy but without necessarily playing together.
Older children in this same age group tended to exhibit associative play in which they interacted actively with other children and cooperative play in which they collaborated in games or in taking on roles with respect to others in the group. Dramatic Play and Characteristic Gender-Based Differences in Play Dramatic play provides children with the opportunity to experiment with various identities with which they are familiar and to develop valuable social skills by practicing social interactions and roles. Some of the most important elements of dramatic play involve practicing the behavioral roles and norms associated with gender differences. Typically, boys play actively, physically, and with gross motor movement activities whereas girls are more likely to spend time in play that emphasizes direct communications and verbal interaction.
Childhood type diabetes and obesity Which three databases will you use? CNAL Medline ProQuest Search each database, using key words, for relevant research on this subject. What key words did you use in the Search Strategy fields? nclude all attempts and limitations used to refine your search. Diabetes obesity Childhood obesity diabetes Childhood obesity diabetes Report the number of citations identified from each database in the number of articles found field. Select one article from a peer-reviewed nursing journal published within the last three years -- or a germinal article which may contain an earlier publication date -- and provide the citation in APA format. Hayden, M.
Childhood and adolescent obesity in cardiorenal metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes: A clinical vignette and ultrastructure study. Diabetes Management, 1 6 , s this…. I limited the search range for peer-reviewed journals. Also, the journal has a doi; a volume number and serial number; and is authored by research scientists who provided their personal histories and sources of their funding. Does this research article generate support for evidence-based practice? If not, state why it does not. Please review the critical appraisal guideline on pg.
The authors of the study specifically state that it has implications for evidence-based practice. If adolescent obesity causes permanent changes to the structure of the tissue of sufferers, this has longstanding implications for public policy: it means that adolescents may be unlikely to outlive their parents' generation. Despite numerous improvements in diabetes management, diabetes often suffer severe health consequences. It is imperative that diabetes be thwarted by reducing the likelihood of early-onset obesity, not simply managed in a secondary and tertiary manner after the fact. The CAOO pandemic may alter the future course of human disease unless we as primary-care physicians intervene" Hayden et al.
Mobilize Childhood obesity in Turner County, GA is topic for concern, especially in the age ranges of County data shows the adult diabetes rate for Turner County is higher than the rate in the state at 3. The adult obesity rate is also higher at 4. While evidence from recent sources reveal childhood obesity rates going down in Georgia, the diabetes and obesity data could signal a red flag. Assess Overall the county seems like it has adequate daycare facilities and a high degree of cohesiveness, with an adequate number of quality recreational areas like parks. This shows there are enough areas for children to go exercise and socialize. However, the number of restaurants and the low number of walkers as a means of transportation to work shows a lack or desire to participate in cardiovascular exercise or activities.
Most people in the county…. References City-Data,. Turner County, Georgia detailed profile - houses, real estate, cost of living, wages, work, agriculture, ancestries, and more. html Davila-Payan, C. Estimating Prevalence of Overweight or Obese Children and Adolescents in Small Geographic Areas Using Publicly Available Data. Preventing Chronic Disease, Effects of Exercise in the Treatment of Overweight and Obese Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses. Journal Of Obesity, , Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community 9th ed. Attachment behaviors and attachment experiences are central to child development, and can have lasting impacts on adult psychology.
The attachment process is emotional, but it also serves distinct biological and evolutionary functions in enabling the survival of the species. As Mossler points out, attachment bonds can be formed between an infant and any adult due to the fact that early humans contended with far greater physical and environmental risks that might leave infants vulnerable should one or both parents perish. Infants experiencing healthy attachments will also evolve a sense of security that is essential for psychological resilience and the reduction of risk for separation anxiety and other attachment-related issues. This paper outlines the different attachment theories provided by Bowlby and Ainsworth, both of which show how attachment experiences are central to the evolution of fundamental social needs, such as trust….
It is very likely that many children have been less fortunate than me and that they either became drug addicts themselves or they came to live on the streets as a result of having parents who express more interest in drugs than in their own children. My experiences are definitely traumatizing and I would not want anyone going through what I endured. Despite this, I managed to find a meaning for everything that has happened to me and I succeeded in using my forces with the purpose of improving my condition. Unlike ordinary people, I would not allow myself to be put down by the conflicts I've seen in my family, by the fact that I was often isolated, or by the emotional violence that I have been subjected to.
I will certainly remember the time I spent with my family for most of my life, but the fact that…. Development of Policy esponses The first step in the development of these policy strategies was to identify that a problem existed with childhood obesity and frame the problem so that it could brought to light and intervention strategies debated. While some of the framing of this issue may have been based upon misinformation, policymakers did attempt to frame the problem which is in line with the Australian policy development cycle. This initial framing is an example of how misinformation can lead to poor policy decisions.
When looking at childhood obesity from a policy perspective it is imperative to understand the difference between obesity prevention and obesity treatment and this has often been confused in attempts to develop policies for the Australian people O'Dea The Australian policy cycle is comprised of stages including problem identification, analysis of policy options, policy instrument, consultation, coordination, decision, implementation, and evaluation. While this policy…. References Coveney, J. The government of girth. Health Sociology Review, 17, pp. De Silva, A. Scaling up community-based obesity prevention in Australia: background and evaluation design of the Health Promoting Communities: Being Active Eating Well initiative. BMC Public Health, 10, pp. Henderson, J.
Governing childhood obesity: Framing regulation of fast food advertising in the Australian print media. Hesketh, K. Healthy eating, activity and obesity prevention: a qualitative study of parent and child perceptions in Australia. Health Promotion International, 20 1 , pp. Based on the following two assessments, write a two hundred to five-hundred-word reflection on how biological, cognitive, and social development impact faith formation during this stage of life. Biological, cognitive, and social development all greatly impact faith formation, particularly at younger ages.
This is due in part to the developmental processes of young children as they interact with the world around them. Certain stimuli often have a very profound impact on children, particularly as their brain has not fully developed yet. In addition, through trial and error, children begin to learn about the world around them. The brain is also becoming better connected with the rest of the body through the myelination of axons, or basic nerve fibers. As a result, parents, and other individuals can control the environment in which the brain is developed. Perception for example refers to the brains process of understanding the meaning of the stimulus. References 1. Baratz, S. Baratz Early childhood intervention: The social science base of institutional racism.
Harvard Educational Review Berk, L. Winsler Scaffolding childrens learning: Vygotsky and early childhood education. Washington, DC: NAEYC. Bloch, M. Becoming scientific and professional: An historical perspective on the aims and effects of early education. Popkewitz, ed. Basingstoke, UK: Falmer, pp. Cochran, M. The international handbook of child care policies and programs. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Mead, M. A creative life for your children. Childhood Obesity Strengths and Barriers to Program Implementation for Childhood Obesity With any plan to implement a program, there are both strengths and barriers. The program addressed here will be on childhood obesity. The strengths of the program will be community and organizational, while the barriers will be environmental and ethical.
By carefully considering and addressing all of these, it can be determined how best to move forward with implementation of the program. That will provide the highest level of success for the program and will raise the value of it in such a way as to provide children and their parents with ways to combat obesity in their families and in their community. Strengths -- Community and Organizational The main strengths of the childhood obesity program are community and organizational in nature. References Ebbeling, C. Childhood obesity: Public-health crisis, common sense cure. Lancet, : -- Janssen, I. Associations between overweight and obesity with bullying behaviors in school-aged children.
Pediatrics, 5 : -- Must, A. Long-term morbidity and mortality of overweight adolescents. A follow-up of the Harvard Growth Study of to The New England Journal of Medicine, 19 : -- Reinehr, T. Childhood obesity. Current Opinion in Lipidology, 22 1 : 21 -- Childhood Obesity Many health issues that children have been faced with in the United States have decreased in intensity and prevalence over the past few decades, but they have been replaced by new problems that could cause even more serious long-term effects. One such, childhood obesity, is troublesome because it is can be the root cause of many more serious problems.
Childhood obesity leads to an increased incidence of heart disease, diabetes and other serious health issues. The primary method for combatting childhood obesity is education of both the children and the parents, and nurses are among the most important means of providing that education. This paper examines the seriousness of childhood obesity and how nurses can be advocates of change. Nurses are guided by a set of principles much like other professionals in health care and other occupations. For nursing, these guidelines answer the who, what, when, where, and…. References ANA. Scope and standards of practice. Nursing World. Preventing childhood obesity. Health in the Balance. Childhood Obesity in Turner County, GA Ages Turner County is one of the regions in Georgia that is affected by childhood obesity and overweight.
Generally, childhood obesity is one of the major public health concerns and issues affecting Georgia. Currently, the state is among the top three states with high prevalence of childhood obesity and overweight issues. Despite the numerous measures that have been undertaken to deal with the problem and significant gains that have been made in the process, Georgia still has a high rate of childhood obesity cases. In essence, Turner County is still largely affected by the issue of childhood obesity similar to other counties in Georgia.
However, a clear understanding of the extent of childhood obesity in Turner County among children aged years requires collecting vital statistics on this population. For this analysis, the researcher has relied on a questionnaire and interview of healthcare…. References Davila-Payan et al. htm Johansson, S. Maternal Overweight and Obesity in Early Pregnancy and Risk of Infant Mortality: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Sweden. British Medical Journal, g Appendix Childhood Obesity Questionnaire. Childhood Obesity: Assessing the Effectiveness of the National School Lunch Program Assessing the Effectiveness of the National School Lunch Program: Childhood Obesity Childhood is a serious health concern for policymakers in the United States.
It is estimated that currently, one in every five children below the ages of 2 and 19 in America is obese. For this reason, numerous policies have been formulated to help in preventing or minimizing the risk of obesity among children. This study assesses the effectiveness of one such policy -- the National School Lunch Program. Childhood Obesity: Assessing the Effectiveness of the National School Lunch Program Childhood obesity has become a serious health concern for parents and policymakers in the U. over the last few decades. It is estimated that approximately References Leach, R. The Chiropractic Theories: A Textbook of Scientific Research 4th ed. Levine, D.
Even You can Learn Statistics: A Guide for Everyone who has Ever been Afraid of Statistics 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ FT Press. Sukal, M. Research Methods: Applying Statistics in Research. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint. Toro, R. Live Science. Indeed, it has been cited as the second most common cause of preventable deaths and a great public health concern in the U. The past twenty years have seen a tremendous increase in obesity cases. Although imbalance in energy is a common case of obesity, medical conditions including genetic ailments and medication also play a significant role Williams, p.
The Effect of Being Obese There has been a marked increase in the attention that is directed towards obesity. The condition is also widely associated to several other chronic ailments, including hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, dyslipidaemia, osteoarthritis, metabolic syndrome sleep apnoea, sleep apnoea and some forms of cancer. Health expenses are relatively higher for individuals with obesity. It has been estimated that the cost of medical care for people suffering from obesity…. References Bhattacharya, J. Does Health Insurance Make You Fat? NBER Working Paper Series. pdf Daily Downey. The Election, The Uninsured and Obesity. The Downey Obesity Report. Childhood Obesity: A Lifelong Threat to Health. html Koplan, J. Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance.
Washington DC : National Academies Press U. Childhood Obesity in Turner County Ages What small group have you selected? The group selected is a nuclear family comprising of parents and a male child who is obese William. What made you select this particular group? The group was chosen owing to the unhealthy lifestyle of its members. It offers an adequately controllable setting in which to implement and test plan effectiveness. Further, one can deal with this group's numerous issues one-by-one by employing small measurable outcomes. Such an approach reduces key threatening issues gradually.
What portion of the plan would you like to implement in the small group? The first part of this plan would entail dealing with Imbalanced Nutrition: i. Nutrition is crucial for the human body, and for proper functioning of all bodily systems. Proper nutrition will help maintain appropriate and healthy body weight, provide energy to the…. References Pollan, L. html The Training Room. The Importance of A Balanced Diet. Childhood and Adult Obesity Obesity can be described as a condition when a person has accumulated excess body fat, which might be detrimental for his health. According to statistical records by the World Health Organization WHO , there are at least m obese people in the world and this figure is increasing rapidly.
Obesity was not a government concern until the mids when reports regarding increasing obesity were produced by ray in the U. and UK, asking the government and the Medical Research Council to carry out research on obesity. However, the governments then, took no cognizance of this issue, but instead, eventually, it did lead to the establishment of research centres. From s onwards, this matter had evinced interest in doctors who specialised in this field, and the United Nations organized a panel to discuss the issue. The government still chose to remain silent. ranca et al. Bibliography Branca, F.
The challenge of obesity in the WHO European Region and the strategies for response: summary. World Health Organization. James, W. WHO recognition of the global obesity epidemic. International Journal of Obesity, 32, SS Obesity: preventing and managing the global epidemic No. Childhood Obesity and Interventions There is a strong relationship between childhood obesity and exposure to environmental factors -- most notably socio-economic status. There are exposures that trigger both positive and negative outcomes, and these have to be discussed along with the possible interventions that can be undertaken. Low socio-economic status E has been associated with a large number of problematic outcomes where health is concerned, including obesity and related issues in childhood Kallem, et al.
Despite this correlation, though, there are plenty of children with low E who grow up slim and apparently health, so it is clear that environment is not the only factor Kallem, et al. The objective of the study by Kallem, et al. This strategy involves how a person deals…. Studies have found that racial and ethnic disparities can be just as significant as SES, diet, and exercise issues -- largely because SES and related concerns are often tied to specific racial and ethnic groups more than others Carroll-Scott, et al. Preschool age children who are in minority racial and ethnic categories have a statistically higher prevalence of obesity when all other variables have been controlled for by researchers Carroll-Scott, et al.
That is a serious indication that there is more at play in the overall environment, and that study of all factors that could contribute to obesity is needed. That would include analyzing a larger area of environmental factors, because there are many causes for the tripling of obese children and adolescents throughout the last three decades Dixon, et al. That much of a change in that short of a time period is a significant problem for society, and can raise the rates of health care for everyone. If the obesity epidemic in children is not dealt with now, society can expect to see increases in the rates of many chronic diseases, and these diseases will be particularly obvious in populations that already have a disparity in their health Dixon, et al.
In the study conducted by Dixon, et al. Then, these were looked at as compared to diet, physical activity, and BMI Dixon, et al. The participants consisted of students in the fifth and sixth grade at a school in New Haven, Connecticut Dixon, et al. That was done to narrow down a population in order to determine the environmental factors associated with it Dixon, et al. Multilevel modeling was used in order to collect information on the area and the students Dixon, et al. It was discovered that students living within a close walking distance of fast food outlets had higher BMI numbers than those who lived farther away Dixon, et al. Additionally, high fast food outlet densities were linked to higher BMIs and more unhealthy eating Dixon, et al.
When students had close access to gyms, parks, and playgrounds, though, they were more likely to get exercise, helping to offset some of the unhealthy eating patterns Dixon, et al. More affluent neighborhoods were also linked to healthier eating behaviors and better exercise regimens, where students who were on the low end of the SES scale ate poorly and got little exercise Dixon, et al. One of the ways to help lessen the problems with childhood obesity could be to provide more parks, playgrounds, and other areas where students could get good exercise, and to lower the number of fast food establishments in residential areas. Standards for Early Childhood Professionals Early Childhood There have been a great number of advances, strides, and changes in the field of Early Childhood or Early Childhood Development.
Perhaps one of the most overt changes in this field is the nomenclature and jargon. This field was not always called Early Childhood. The field of Child Development is fairly recent as well. Expansion in perspectives on education and human development sparked the invention and subdivisions of stages of development. The stage dedicated to infants, toddlers, and children that have not yet reach the age for formal education is called Early Childhood. Since the existence of Early Childhood, there have become a number of degree and certification programs for Early Childhood.
Early Childhood was not always available as a major or degree concentration. Some of the changes and increased formality in Early Childhood have changed the way Early Childhood professionals are educated…. References: Ackerman, D. What do teachers need? Leukemia is the most common cancer among children up to age fifteen. There are two main subtypes that affect this age group: acute lymphoblastic leukemia ALL , the most common subtype, and acute myeloid leukemia AML , a rather rare subtype. There are multiple phenotypes that are precursors to a child being diagnosed with ALL. B-cell precursor […]. Childhood Neglect: Importance to Social Work Profession Childhood neglect affects adolescents that social workers engage with on a daily basis.
Since neglect is the most common form of abuse, it largely impacts the social work profession […]. Anyone can experience trauma at any time. The trauma can be caused by nature, human beings or by oneself. People endure much when they experience trauma and their ability to handle it can determine the level of the effect of the trauma and their long-term well-being. Reportedly, children are incredibly susceptible to trauma because their […]. Every year there is an increase in the number of overweight and obese children. What causes this and what does it mean for them long-term? Some of these factors are limited access to healthy food, […].
A Mission Statement for the Field of Early Childhood The early childhoodfield consists of five sectors. Developmental and anthropological approaches to childhood have been paramount to the way people around the world view children. These two approaches have, in their own way, studied children and put forward their theories on childhood. It is important to look further into the key features of developmental and anthropological research of childhood and to determine […]. Lifespan development focuses on changes that occur within a person from the beginning of their conception until their death. Lifespan development incorporates not only the physical changes one acquires throughout time, but also the cognitive, emotional, and social changes.
Humans have the capability of constant change, especially when exposed to different incidents or environments that […]. The quality of early childcare depends on the education and skills of the childcare provider. Multiple research studies link positive outcomes for young children with higher levels of teacher education Garavuso, , p. A college degree is usually not a requirement to care for young […]. This research paper is about the progress of medicine in childhood diseases. The purpose of this paper will go over the childhood diseases and illness that control of human lives and morality rate. It on focus on childhood disease improvement of medicines and vaccinations that associate with certain illness and diseases. The discoveries in vaccination […]. Including in the article of the topic and discerning the studies to steer readers to be educated on the broad input of childhood maltreatment possibly going hand and hand with abuse of substances.
In surrounding this topic, you can pull out the gist of all the studies and background information to bring a responsible observation […]. Childhood is where every conscious child wants to be an adult and Adulthood is where every adult secretly wants to be a child again — Abhimanyu Singh. In the novel, Catcher in the Rye by J. Salinger, Holden dislikes the idea of […]. Abstract Numbers continue to climb for those who have childhood obesity. This serious issue has been brought to the attention of the public who have been taking preventative measures and action in hopes to reduce the number of cases. In a number of countries, public policies have been implemented to prevent obesity.
However, in the […]. It is evident in humans around the world to lack the ability to recall childhood events such as the places they were and what emotions they felt. The first and most famous explanation comes by Sigmund Freud in , who first offered an explanation to this phenomenon and introduced the term of Childhood Amnesia. In […]. The inspiration to join early childhood education is the children. They are unique in certain ways. Children are God best gift. I believe that we can cultivate many wonderful skills in children.
Before this, I went to Culinary arts programme. My initial plan was to do cooking classes for children. I finally realize that it […]. Abstract This paper discusses the effects that childhood sexual abuse has on children. It states the basics and statistics of sexual abuse in children in our society. The immediate symptoms and signs of childhood sexual abuse are discussed as well as long term emotional effects, long lasting physical effects and psychological disorders due to sexual […]. Obesity is one of the leading causes of diseases. Over the past 60 years obesity has increased amongst the human population. There is an increasing amount of children who are facing and dealing with obesity. Hypersexual behavior is differentiated from paraphilia, or sexually deviant behavior, based on the criteria that the hypersexual behaviors still fall within socially normal sexual activities Kafka, Paraphilia refers to activities that do not fall within a reasonably expected behavior, such as sexual interest in children or non-living entities DSM-V, Both are defined as […].
Early childhood language and literacy development for the children aged years old is strongly influenced by the linguistic environment of the child. Young […]. Child abuse, neglect, or maltreatment and even intimate partner violence are all considered to be factors with negative effects for children. Neglect or maltreatment leads to many forms of abuse. Some of these are domestic violence, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. More so, if […]. Food and nutrition is a known fact of being a key player in the development of children and adolescents. This can result in neuro-cognitive, emotional, academic, etc. delays as well as be a precursor to developing other disorders and health […].
Child obesity has become a major concern as it continues to increase every year in the US. Many parents are uneducated about the risks of childhood obesity.