Founder of computer science, computer history essay, mathematician, philosopher, codebreaker, strange visionary and a gay man. The MITS included bytes of memory, toggle switches and an LED panel. Many computer courses are being offered to cover the many professions that computers rule. Wonder how much time you need to deliver your speech or presentation? Controlled progress could help in contributing to a better life which computer history essay also suit the sustainable model too.
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Find out if your paper is original. Our plagiarism detection tool will check Wonder how much time you need to deliver your speech or presentation? Don't know how to format the bibliography page in your paper? Use this converter to calculate how many pages a certain number Create a strong thesis statement with our online tool to clearly express The history of computers is short but very complicated. Computers have been through lot of changes throughout the past half-century, computer history essay. They also affect our society in many different ways today.
The following paper describes how the computers have changed from to present. DuringIntel came out with a chip, which was the best selling semiconductor memory chip in the world. The chip was called Intel and it was first DRAM, dynamic Random Access Memory chip. Robet H. Dennard developed it. His team and him had been working on it since The engineers needed to build a new type of chip for a calculator in So, they came out with a chip called Intel It was the first single chip general-purpose microprocessor built bye Intel. The chip was 4-bit and ran at a rate of kHz and it also contained transistors. The chip dealt with up to 1 Kb of program memory and up to 4 Kb of data memory.
InComputer history essay came out with the first hard disk drive. The computer history essay disk used two 30 Mb platters. It was the first operating system to run on machines. InMITS Altair was the first personal computer to get attention by a lot of people. The MITS included bytes of memory, toggle switches and an LED panel. Apple II was the beginning of the personal computers. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak developed the Apple II in It had a built in keyboard, graphics display and BASIC built in ROM. It computer history essay based on the MOS processor.
It contained three 8-bit registers and an 8-bit stack pointer. It was one of the first personal computers that were useful to people and a new age of technology. InIBM came out with a PC. It was the first PC that surprised the world with its features and speed. It was a bit processor, which contained 8 registers and unique segmented bit memory architecture capable of addressing 1 Mb of memory. It ran at a speed of 4. Incomputer history essay, a new computer came into the market with new technology and became very popular. The Commodore had a 64 Kb of RAM and it was also the first personal computer with an audio synthesizer chip. Init came out with a portable version knows as the SX It was the first color portable computer. It was based on the MOS and it also had fast color graphics, computer history essay.
The Commodore was a cheap computer for the features it had and people all around the world computer history essay it. Later inApple came out with a new computer called the Macintosh. It had Kb of RAM, it also had a 3, computer history essay. It was a bit processor and it also contained 60, transistors and had 16 registers. It came with a lot more ram or Kb and new floppy disks drives which could hold up to 1. It was first color computer by Macintosh. The color was 8 bit deep and it was also available in bit. The graphics of the Macintosh II inspired Adobe to make a photo computer history essay software called Photoshop, computer history essay.
The screen resolution went up to x and it had RAM of 64 Mb, computer history essay. It had a Motorola processor with FPU. The Macintosh II was not a popular computer, computer history essay complained about the price being too high. After Steve Jobs left Apple he came up with his own computers knows as the NeXT, which was released in It had a Motorola processor; 8 Mb of RAM a built in DSP, computer history essay, digital signal processor and the first commercial magneto optical drive, which has Mb capacity. The NeXT had some faults to it. So it was so expensive for the consumers to by it and the use of wrong type of language.
InIntel Pentium Processor began computer history essay and went through the industry faster than any of the previous processors by Intel. InApple introduced a new computer known as the Power Macintosh. The new Power Macintosh had 60 MHz PowerPC processor. It also included 8 Mb of RAM, computer history essay, bit x graphics, bit stereo, Mb hard disk, a CD-ROM drive and a built in Ethernet. On August 24computer history essay, Microsoft computer history essay out with Windows Which became very popular and it was affordable for many of the families, computer history essay.
It had full networking support; it included tolls for accessing the Internet. The operating system was bit, which helped in improving the performance of the computer. Windows 95 were being advertised everywhere. They were being advertised on Computer history essay, radio, newspaper, magazines, billboards and many other places. The PC industry became very popular when Windows 95 was releases because it was affordable and easy to use. It was MHz and about 64 MB of RAM, computer history essay. The hard drive space also went up a lot to GB. Which was a big improvement from the previous computers. Today the computers are extremely fast. It has reached the speed of 3. The prices for all the computers today are really cheap and most of the people can afford it. Almost everyone has a personal computer in their house or their business.
Computers run most of the machines being run today. For example, the computers are controlling the touch free car washes, like when to stop a certain thing and when to start it. So the computers are dominating a lot of things these days. Therefore, computers have changed a lot during the past century. They went from Computer history essay to 3. That is a huge change during the past half century. Computers are going to get really advanced and really fast in the future. It is going to keep growing in the future. So the computers play a huge role today in our society all over the world.
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The Commodore was a cheap computer for the features it had and people all around the world bought it. Later in , Apple came out with a new computer called the Macintosh. It had Kb of RAM, it also had a 3. It was a bit processor and it also contained 60, transistors and had 16 registers. It came with a lot more ram or Kb and new floppy disks drives which could hold up to 1. It was first color computer by Macintosh. The color was 8 bit deep and it was also available in bit. The graphics of the Macintosh II inspired Adobe to make a photo editing software called Photoshop. The screen resolution went up to x and it had RAM of 64 Mb. It had a Motorola processor with FPU.
The Macintosh II was not a popular computer, customers complained about the price being too high. After Steve Jobs left Apple he came up with his own computers knows as the NeXT, which was released in It had a Motorola processor; 8 Mb of RAM a built in DSP, digital signal processor and the first commercial magneto optical drive, which has Mb capacity. The NeXT had some faults to it. So it was so expensive for the consumers to by it and the use of wrong type of language. In , Intel Pentium Processor began developing and went through the industry faster than any of the previous processors by Intel. In , Apple introduced a new computer known as the Power Macintosh. The new Power Macintosh had 60 MHz PowerPC processor. It also included 8 Mb of RAM, bit x graphics, bit stereo, Mb hard disk, a CD-ROM drive and a built in Ethernet.
On August 24 , Microsoft came out with Windows Which became very popular and it was affordable for many of the families. It had full networking support; it included tolls for accessing the Internet. The operating system was bit, which helped in improving the performance of the computer. Windows 95 were being advertised everywhere. They were being advertised on TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, billboards and many other places. The PC industry became very popular when Windows 95 was releases because it was affordable and easy to use. It was MHz and about 64 MB of RAM. The hard drive space also went up a lot to GB.
Which was a big improvement from the previous computers. Today the computers are extremely fast. It has reached the speed of 3. The prices for all the computers today are really cheap and most of the people can afford it. Almost everyone has a personal computer in their house or their business. Computers run most of the machines being run today. For example, the computers are controlling the touch free car washes, like when to stop a certain thing and when to start it. So the computers are dominating a lot of things these days. These devices have been in use since the nineteenth century. The use of computers has escalated in the 21 st century due to advancements in technology and the civilization in the society. People use computers for different reasons and they value its use because of the benefits the computer has.
During the development of computers, there have been several advancements which include the reduction in size and the improvement of speed and efficiency. The earliest computers, supercomputers, were huge and very slow while current computers, laptops, are very small yet very fast and efficient. Computers has actually evolved and with the trend of technological advancements, more discoveries are yet to be made. Computers are found in almost all fields i. The uses of computers cut across all fields for the basic functions and then differences in function are specific to fields. Computers are used to enter information and store them. Specific tasks are also performed using computers for example monitoring of performance or office work.
Computers are also used for entertainment like computer games, watching and listening to music. Computers are used to access information from the internet and it enables learning and communication. Computers enable quick and efficient storage and processing of information. The simplification of work and efficiency is enabled by computers. Computers enable digitalization of things like photos, documents and books. This makes the learners to have less baggage when carrying their reading material because they have been digitalized. Digitalization also saves time because when one is in need of a photo or a document, it is easier to get a digitalized one than a manual one. Computers have made work easier for people and therefore there is reduced activity.
Reduced human activity results in development of unhealthy lifestyles and diseases associated with sedentary lifestyles. Computers have also enabled the access to internet, which cause social problems like immorality. The use of computers has also caused a reduction in human interaction because people are glued to their computers because they can do everything on a computer from ordering food to communicating, to paying bills and other things. Based on the shred knowledge on computers, it is evident that its use has diversified globally. The use has increased efficiency and it has improved almost all sectors of life ranging from the social, economic, cultural and political. The use of computers has its pros and cons. Computers are actually essential because they complement human abilities and they will go a long way in improving the way of life.
Computer is one such man made device without which the mankind cannot imagine their existence. In short, a computer is a device that processes and stores information entered as the input and displays the information as the required output as and when the user desires. Very huge in size and limited in functionality, the earlier computer was as big as an entire room and they consumed more power. It was in the year when Charles Babbage despite his limited resources and finances came up with a programmed version of the computer. Later, his son Henry Babbage modified the computer into a simpler unit. Initially, the use of computer was limited.
They were merely used for calculations and not for carrying out tasks. There was an important role played by computer in The World War II. War planning required huge calculations and with the aid of a computer, the armies found it easy. There was a time when people considered the computer as a luxury but today it is a necessity. People cannot imagine their life without a computer. Modern computer carries out almost every task that the human desires. A computer nowadays is designed to store information and perform innumerable tasks as and when the user wants.
The information entered by the user is transmitted to the computer in the form of a programming language which is again transmitted into human language and the result is displayed. Well, with computer becoming the backbone of almost every industry running today, you can very well judge whether it is a luxury or a necessity. It is literally impossible to list the uses of a computer because the list is exhaustive. Basically, a computer nowadays performs innumerable tasks and it is required in every field. Thus, computer has been made a compulsory subject in primary schools almost everywhere. It has become an indispensable need for mankind and we cannot go a day without a computer. Available in varied designs and sizes, the modern day computer has also been modified into a portable form called a laptop.
You can carry it wherever you go. Be it offices, shops, schools, homes, and almost every other place; people cannot imagine their life without a computer. It is one such invention that has made human life super easy. Well, just like everything has its share of advantage and disadvantages the same goes for computer. The increasing rate in cybercrime is the biggest disadvantage that comes with computer. But if apt preventive measures are taken then maybe we can remedy the situation. Owing to the advantages computer has to offer we can overlook the few disadvantages it has. The fast moving life that people are living nowadays is only possible because of this wonderful invention.
With the passage of time, there has been an unbelievable advancement in the field of computer and the world has been constantly changing since then. Owing to the rapid pace with which the computer industry has progressed, it can be rightly said that the coming days will be brighter, smarter and technically more advanced because we are sure to come up with even better computer systems. Electronic devices on a whole might be making us lazy but we cannot deny the fact that computer is not just any ordinary electronic device; it is a boon to the human race. Computers have been around in various forms for the past two centuries.
Over that relatively short period of time this machine, or tool, has transformed mankind equally as much as fire or the wheel. That being said sometimes we take this device for granted and do not appreciate all the different things it is giving us. When you stop and think about all the places where you can find a computer you will realize that almost all human endeavors in the present have some form of computerized help. People have made many different tools all through history that they used to help them calculate and keep track of their resources.
The idea has been around for a couple of thousand years but the technology was not advanced enough for us to make anything that resembles our modern computers till the 20 th century. The first computers were analog devices that were used for solving different problems, that is they could perform an operation based on a predetermined mechanism that was usually based on a mathematical equation. That type of computer did not have enough flexibility to be used for many tasks and it could not be reprogramed. The first digital computer was called Z3 and it was developed in after successive models were upgraded. The age that saw the birth of the computer also saw many changes in technology and manufacturing that made computer parts available for mass use.
Those developments led to the invention of personal computers that were much cheaper and easier to use and once the public got hold of them a revolution in their usage was sparked. The estimate from states that over 2 billion computers are in use today. The number suggests that there are a lot of devices all over the world being used every single moment. You are probably reading this from a computer and if not, you are reading it from a device that owes its existence to the computer and electronics revolution mentioned in the segment above. Some people have suggested that computers are having a bad influence on people because they are making us distant from each other and because people tend to spend most of their day sitting in front of the computer looking like they are doing nothing.
The fact is this is not something the computer does but rather the people who use them. Like with most other things in life that give us enjoyment we sometimes tend to misuse them and cause harm to ourselves. The fact is that the present looks like it does because of the time and resources computers have saved us and this is an undisputed fact. Computers are becoming more complex and at the same time simpler to use making them widely distributed with a tendency to take over the world. There are many plans for the future of computers and as time goes by, they are capable of finding solutions to complex and unimagined problems.
They are used in almost all the industries from mining to hospitality management and everywhere they find a unique task, or several, that they can perform. They have become so indispensable to our lives that some people are actually considering making them a part of their body and integrating the computer operations with the organism. This can sound a bit bizarre but people are actually making advancements in this field and cyborg devices are being implemented to help people with disabilities more often as time passes. The potential the computer has to help us is immense and the limit is only our imagination and the resources we have at our disposal. This tool can be thought to perform endless tasks even the experts get surprised sometimes.
The future looks like its full of stars but we have to keep in mind that through their use we speed up all our processes altering our existence in a sense we have to keep both eyes open for signs of potentially dangerous outcomes of some of the technological advancements we use. A computer, in terms of definition, is such a device, which through the use of computer programming, executes the arithmetic and logical operations. Computers are used as control frameworks for a wide assortment of modern and shopper gadgets. This includes simple gadgets like microwaves and remote controls, plant gadgets, for example, modern robots and computer helped structure, and furthermore broadly useful gadgets like computers and cell phones. She was known to be the first female computer programmer as she created the instruction routines to be fed in to the computer.
On 23 June , Alan Turing was born and was destined to make his mark on the history of computing. Turing wor Apple, the computer of "yesterday? They invented the first Apple computer , www. com the basis for all personal computers to come, the Apple I. Much like the people of today, the first testers of the computer did not take them seriously. Everywhere you look you see some sort of computer. Future cars will all be run by computer. Therefore, the outlook on the jobs relating to computers in the future, shall be not only enlarged in field, but also will encompass more aspects of everyday life than anything before in history, except for maybe sleeping. Again, the reason - computers. Many computer courses are being offered to cover the many professions that computers rule.
Since computer animation is base on the computer graphics so I will explain a little bit of computer graphic. History of computer animation. Types of computer animation. And base on the computer graphics, computer animation is creation of the illusion of motion by viewing a succession of computer-generated still images. Computers are the future whether we like it or not. History of the Computer Industry The history of the Computer Industry and how it has affected our lives. The very first computer was the Abacus. The bulky computer days were now history. All of this on your computer! The computer is truly one of the most incredible inventions in history Computer History The computer's history was started from a very long time ago about years which at the birth of the abacus that made by wooden rack holding two horizontal wire beads string on them.
The abacus made an idea for created a computer. Blaise Pascal was the one the credit for building the first digital computer. These were the one that computer was started with.
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