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Essay water pollution

Essay water pollution

Essay examples. Chemical pollutants mainly include organic and inorganic chemicals, heavy metals and radioactive materials. As such, before the 19 th century Industrial Revolution, humans used to live in harmony with their immediate habitat. Fertilizers that are essential for the growth of farm crops cause water pollution and can affect productivity. Pollution is a result of a cumulative effect with respect to time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next essay water pollution I comment, essay water pollution.

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Water pollution is a matter that impacts many lives within the population, and there is an urgent need to put the practice under control, essay water pollution. Contamination of water can attract diseases within a population, which derails the general well-being of the society as it leads to diseases. The target audience of the project includes all stakeholders who have the goodwill to maintain sustainable population health. Water is essential, and any level of miscalculations can lead to shortages. Stakeholders include companies, people, the government, NGOs, environmental activists, essay water pollution, and any other party that has an interest in the environment.

The purpose of the research is to establish possible ways that water pollution can be reduced to promote proper sanitation. It is vital to promote practices that ensure that water pollution is reduced in a bid to conserve the environment. The contamination of water bodies as a result of human activities is on the rise in the recent past. There is a need to implement strategic policies aimed at reducing water pollution globally. A population that dwells on water sources that are contaminated is at more risk of contracting diseases. Equally, organisms that depend on water bodies for survival are endangered with high levels of water pollution Kneese, As such, research that focuses on a possible way to reduce water pollution can help avert the impact of the phenomenon.

The first strategic approach to the reduction of water pollution is reducing and avoiding the release of contaminated liquid substances and other solid waste down the drain, essay water pollution. Fat and grease melts and flows down the drain to cause severe problems for organisms that depend essay water pollution the water for survival when consumed, water with liquids such as cooking oil can cause serious health conditions in a essay water pollution. As such, water pollution can result from the release of liquids down the drain or solid substances that are harmful and contaminate water. Chemicals that are used for water treatment such as chlorine result in water pollution to some extent. This is because when the substances are used excessively, they are harmful to other organisms that are dependent on the water bodies.

Detergents used for purposes such as the washing of clothes also cause water pollution. There is a need to avoid releasing such elements to water bodies to ensure that water sustainability is achieved. Manufacturing industries that release heavy metals such as lead to water bodies significantly increase the possibility of health problems within a population. Therefore, essay water pollution, there is a need to implement policies that promote practices that reduce the release of contaminated substances such as oil to water bodies.

Reducing the use of agrochemicals in farms can help reduce the high levels of pollution in water bodies. Runoff and infiltration of chemicals involved lead to water contamination that can kill or affect the health of organisms. Fertilizers that are essential for the growth of farm crops cause water pollution and can affect productivity, essay water pollution. As such, there is a need to reduce use of agrochemicals with a view of controlling the high levels of water pollution. Excessive application of chemicals in the firm can lead to water contamination, which essay water pollution a threat to living organisms in the environment.

Notably, it is difficult to avoid the use of such chemicals as they play a crucial role in promoting food security in the world. As such, the most important thing is to reduce the essay water pollution of agrochemicals in the farm. Also, the chemicals applied in the farms should be standardized to avoid any further effect on living organisms. An example of an approach that essay water pollution reduce the use of such chemicals is the application of organic manure in the farms. Insecticides also increase water pollution when applied in the farms. Stakeholders need to implement strategies that can reduce the use of agrochemicals in a bid to ensure a reduction in water essay water pollution. Proper sewerage treatment and sanitation management contribute significantly to a reduction in the level of water pollution, essay water pollution.

Sewage water should be treated before being released to water bodies to avoid contaminating the water. For instance, waste from suburbs of cities is released to water bodies, risking the lives of organisms within the water bodies. To reduce water pollution as a result of sewerage, all stakeholders have to take essay water pollution and ensure the matter is put under control. Taking charge means ensuring that wastewater is treated before releasing it to water bodies. Equally, water pollution can be avoided by reducing the dumping of solid products to the drain such substances can dissolve in the water forming acidic compounds that can be harmful to organisms.

As such, ensuring that sewage is treated before releasing it to water bodies reduces pollution. As such, ensuring the treatment of wastewater and sewerage before directing it to water bodies proves to help reduce pollution as a significant problem in the 21 st century. To promote practices that lead to reduced pollution, legal authorities should implement hefty fines for defiant companies as a way of discouraging the act. Water pollution is the release of substances to water bodies, which result in contamination of water there is a need to address the issue and ensure that water pollution has been put under control. For instance, avoiding the release of contaminated liquids to water bodies can reduce unnecessary pollution.

Equally, chemicals applied in the farms contribute to pollution to a large extent. Reducing the use of agrochemicals in farms can help reduce water pollution. Examples of farm chemicals that result in contamination of water include pesticides, fungicides, pesticides, essay water pollution, and fertilizers, among others. Sewage plays a significant part in contaminating water bodies, essay water pollution those near cities with large populations. To reduce essay water pollution pollution, sewerage companies should ensure that they treat the wastewater before directing it into other bodies, essay water pollution. Legislation from authorities can shape the matter and ensure that those found guilty of water pollution pay for their deeds.

Water pollution should be avoided to foster sustainability within the environment, essay water pollution. Cieślik, B. Review of sewage sludge management: standards, regulations and analytical methods. Journal of Cleaner Production90 Kyei, essay water pollution, C. The economy-wide implications of a tax policy to reduce water pollution: a case of the Olifants river basin, South Africa. Mekonnen, M, essay water pollution. Water resources research54 1 Mininni, G. EU policy on sewage sludge utilization and perspectives on new approaches of sludge management. Environmental Science and Pollution Research22 10essay water pollution, Zhu, J. Risk analysis and emergency countermeasures for oil pollution in main channel of South to North Water Transfer Project.

In MATEC Web of Conferences Vol. EDP Sciences. Writing Services Essay Writing Assignment Writing Coursework Writing Annotated Bibliography Case Study Writing Literature Review Writing Report Writing Reflective Report Writing Research Proposal Model Answers Exam Notes. Why choose us? Mission and Vision Samples Library Referral Programme FAQs Contact Us. Manage Orders Sign Out. Audience and Purpose Water pollution is a matter that impacts many lives essay water pollution the population, and there is an urgent need to put the practice under control. Introduction The contamination of water bodies as a result of human activities is on the rise in the recent past, essay water pollution. Need an essay assistance? Ivory Research. November Essay on Water Pollution.

Essay on Water Pollution [Internet]. com, essay water pollution, Published Accessed November 24, Previous Sample Next Sample, essay water pollution. Similar essay samples Non-executive directors and how they protect the interests of sharehol The use of the harmonic analysis method for analysing tidal levels. Essay on What Can Pre-Modern World Teach Us on How To Be Better Humans Essay on Subject Knowledge Portfolio and Rationale Essay on Post Graduate Career Planning. Online Chat WhatsApp Messenger Email. We value your privacy. We do not sell your data and do not resell our papers. We use cookies which you can view and control.

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Water pollution is the release of substances to water bodies, which result in contamination of water there is a need to address the issue and ensure that water pollution has been put under control. For instance, avoiding the release of contaminated liquids to water bodies can reduce unnecessary pollution. Equally, chemicals applied in the farms contribute to pollution to a large extent. Reducing the use of agrochemicals in farms can help reduce water pollution. Examples of farm chemicals that result in contamination of water include pesticides, fungicides, pesticides, and fertilizers, among others. Sewage plays a significant part in contaminating water bodies, especially those near cities with large populations.

To reduce water pollution, sewerage companies should ensure that they treat the wastewater before directing it into other bodies. Legislation from authorities can shape the matter and ensure that those found guilty of water pollution pay for their deeds. Water pollution should be avoided to foster sustainability within the environment. Cieślik, B. Review of sewage sludge management: standards, regulations and analytical methods. Journal of Cleaner Production , 90 , Kyei, C. The economy-wide implications of a tax policy to reduce water pollution: a case of the Olifants river basin, South Africa.

Mekonnen, M. Water resources research , 54 1 , Mininni, G. EU policy on sewage sludge utilization and perspectives on new approaches of sludge management. Environmental Science and Pollution Research , 22 10 , Zhu, J. Risk analysis and emergency countermeasures for oil pollution in main channel of South to North Water Transfer Project. In MATEC Web of Conferences Vol. EDP Sciences. Writing Services Essay Writing Assignment Writing Coursework Writing Annotated Bibliography Case Study Writing Literature Review Writing Report Writing Reflective Report Writing Research Proposal Model Answers Exam Notes. Why choose us? Mission and Vision Samples Library Referral Programme FAQs Contact Us.

Manage Orders Sign Out. Audience and Purpose Water pollution is a matter that impacts many lives within the population, and there is an urgent need to put the practice under control. Introduction The contamination of water bodies as a result of human activities is on the rise in the recent past. Need an essay assistance? Ivory Research. November Essay on Water Pollution. Essay on Water Pollution [Internet]. com, Published Accessed November 24, Previous Sample Next Sample. Similar essay samples Non-executive directors and how they protect the interests of sharehol The use of the harmonic analysis method for analysing tidal levels.

Essay on What Can Pre-Modern World Teach Us on How To Be Better Humans Essay on Subject Knowledge Portfolio and Rationale Essay on Post Graduate Career Planning. Online Chat WhatsApp Messenger Email. Pollution Factors Most of the polluted water bodies are becoming unusable due to various types of toxic chemicals present in the effluent discharged from industrial projects mainly sugar mills, paper and textile mills, leather modification plants, jute, steel and fertilizer plants etc. In coal-fired thermal power projects, about 20 per cent of the total use of coal comes out as silt and mortar, which are disposed of around the water bodies, which often flow into the ponds, rivers and other water bodies along with rainwater. They have been found responsible for water pollution.

A large amount of water is used by refrigerant plants in industries. Hot water throughout the production process, volatile and suspended waste oils are produced in large quantities and contribute to water pollution. These industrial effluents have a variety of toxic metals such as chromium, mercury, iron, lead, zinc, copper, cadmium, arsenic, etc. Also, oil, grease and other oily residues are mostly left untreated in water bodies from port or shipping business and oil tanker accidents are also responsible for water pollution in the sea and oceans. High concentrations of radioactive waste released from fuel production in nuclear power plants can cause the death of other organisms, including humans, while low concentrations have the potential to cause cancer and other diseases.

Human and living organisms can reach their body and put their fatal side effects on enzymatic and other systems. These include sanitizers used in sanitation and various types of chemical effluents, oily materials released from the kitchen, various types of materials in addition to granulated materials, as sewage effluents, through sewage drains and eventually polluting in large water bodies. According to the World Health Organization by , sewage wastewater in the absence of proper sewage disposal, and the microbes found in them, can affect million people related to drinking water.

In India, only 35 per cent of the sewage is treated primarily, 10 per cent is secondary treatment and the rest is executed in untreated land or water. Metropolitan solid and liquid wastes, sewage effluents etc. are destroying the natural ecology of water communities in most places in untreated or under-treated condition. The pathogens and chemicals present in sewage are spreading deadly and infectious diseases like cholera, typhoid, diarrhoea, jaundice, liver and other stomach related diseases along with many fleshly and physical changes. Apart from this, it is also having a fatal effect on terrestrial, aquatic animals. Typhoid, diarrhoea, jaundice, liver and other stomach related diseases are spreading. A large amount of oxygen is required for dissolution of organic and chemical substances present in sewage.

Lack of soluble oxygen poses a threat to the survival of aquatic species. Also, some toxins present in sewage prove to be extremely harmful to aquatic species. Fishes are killed due to the effects produced due to sewage e. Water is an important source of life and if it gets polluted it will challenge the existence of life on this planet. The prediction that the Third World War will be fought for water may also be true. Water pollution occurs when pollutants are generated due to various human activities, making their way into water bodies and natural water resources. Toxic chemical byproducts from factories or pollutants due to human disorder get brushed away by wind and rain and pollute rivers, canals, lakes, ponds etc.

Waterborne disease resulting from the use of contaminated water is the leading cause of deaths and hospitalizations globally. For example, eating fish that are living in contaminated water can cause heart diseases, cancer and other serious diseases for years. Each type of water pollution has a different effect on water pollution due to pollutant difference. Various types of water pollution and their effects are discussed in detail below. Various substances are used in various daily household chores and cooking, bathing, washing and other cleaning works, which are dumped into the drains with household effluents as waste materials and eventually fall into the water bodies.

This type of effluent consists of rotten fruits and vegetables, stove ashes from kitchens, various types of rubbish, clothing rags, scavengers, dirty water and other polluting wastes, which consist of water pollution. At present, the use of synthesized sanitizers is being increased day by day in cleaning works, which together with the water sources, become a permanent cause of water pollution. The term water pollution was first used in the situation of pollution caused by human sewage in the water. If bacteria commonly found in human entrails were present in water, then that water was considered as polluted water which was considered unfit for human use.

Human excreta consists mainly of waste from domestic and public toilets. Sewage contains both organic and inorganic substances. The majority of solid faeces are organic, in which the living organisms and sometimes solids microorganisms are also present. Various types of microorganisms, bacteria, protozoa, viruses, fungi and algae etc. grow at a rapid pace due to excess of organic matter. This type of contaminated sewage gets into the water sources through untreated sewage and causes severe water pollution. Discharged sewage by humans and animals in open places also mix with rainwater in water sources and cause water pollution, it is called biological pollution. Notably, 5 lakh tons of sewage are produced in a year on 10 lakh persons, most of which are found in the sea and rivers.

According to an estimate, out of cities with a population of more than 1 lakh in India, there are only 8 such cities where there is a complete arrangement for the disposal of sewage. Out of these, there are 62 such cities which have proper system while 72 are such cities where there is no proper system. Also, read Water Pollution Essay Conclusion. Often, after the production process in each industry, many unusable materials are left, which is called industrial waste material. Most of these industrial wastes or effluents mainly contain many types of acids, alkalis, salts, oils, fats etc.

toxic chemical substances are present. The pulp and paper industry, sugar industry, textile industry, leather industry, liquor industry, pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, food processing industry and chemical industries release a significant amount of waste, which is disposed of in water sources. Most industrial wastes are organic materials, which are decomposed by bacteria, but this process takes place at a very slow rate, which results in vulgar smell and the water of drains carrying waste materials gets polluted. The levels are disorganized while the fish are directly affected by fat, oil and grease. BOD from cleaning, washing, dyeing, pulp centre, motor service station etc. BOD, COD from paper and pulp industry.

Ammonia, acid, bacteria; nitrogen and urea from the fertilizer industry;. Food grain mills release pollutants like BOD, oil and grease, which together with water sources pollute the water. The water of these rivers has been polluted by the waste of industries located along the banks of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers. The colour of the water of the river Ganga has changed to the Kishanpur village, 10 km from Kanpur, after the waste of leather factories in Kanpur falls in the Ganges River. The effluent wastewater from the IFFCO chemical fertilizer factory at Phulpur near Allahabad is found in the Ganges River, from which fishes have been found dead for a distance of 16 km.

In present times, the use of various new methods in agriculture is increasing to get more production from crops. Due to new methods in agriculture, there has been an increase in irrigation, on the other hand, the use of chemical fertilizers, indigestible pesticides have also increased at a rapid pace. While these new experiments in agriculture have led to a huge increase in production, but damage to the environment especially water pollution. Defective farming practices have led to a huge increase in soil erosion, blocking the passage of rivers and raising the river bed. Another cause of water pollution under agricultural effluents is the increasing use of chemical fertilizers.

Most fertilizers are inorganic phosphate and nitrogen. Nutrition refers to the condition resulting from excessive enrichment of water by nutrients such as nitrate and phosphate. Water gets polluted due to an increase in the state of nutrition. The excess fertilizer added to the fields slowly flows with water and reaches the rivers, ponds and ponds. Water with high nitrogen content especially by reaching the lake, the process of eutrophication in the lake is intensified. As a result, algae grow rapidly in water and decomposition bacteria are produced in large numbers due to the death of algae. In the process of decomposition of organic matter, the amount of oxygen in the water is greatly reduced, as a result, aquatic organisms are deficient and water gets polluted. The best example of malnutrition is Dal Lake.

This world-famous lake has gone through the initial stages of malnutrition and get polluted. The southeastern part of this lake is getting contaminated at a rapid pace due to the discharge of water waste and agricultural drainage. River and pond water is used in various productive plants to prevent excessive heat effect of various reactors. This water, which has been heated as a result of the cooling process, is then dumped into the water sources. Apart from industries, thermal pollution is also caused by steam or nuclear-powered power generating plants.

Adequate natural water is used in energy plants for cooling the liquidators. Thermal pollution has a special effect on water organisms. Large organisms cannot tolerate high temperatures. With the increase in water temperature, the solubility of oxygen also decreases and the amount of salts increases. Due to the mixing of oil and oily substances in the river and other water sources from industrial plants, oily pollution occurs. There is a high possibility of oil pollution in the seas, due to which oil from the oil carrier keeps seeping in the sea and due to the crashing of the ships, there is a terrible fire. According to an estimate, about 50 lakh to 10 million tons of petroleum products are found in the sea every year for various reasons.

At present, numerous radioactive particles are spread far and wide in the atmosphere due to nuclear explosions and then gradually fall on the ground as sensitized which get into the water sources due to various reasons and through the food chain in the human body. Radioactive substances combined in water sources make water toxic. Since radioactive particles dissolve very slowly, their effect on water lasts for many days. Even some of the most developed nations like the United States are not protected from the effects of water pollution. Poor sanitary conditions, absence of adequate medical facilities and low awareness of health issues are some of the main causes of water pollution and diseases caused by it. The solution to water pollution lies in a multi-dimensional approach that is directed towards eliminating various causes of water pollution.

Water pollution refers to the contamination of natural water resources by harmful and toxic compounds, mainly due to various human activities. The introduction of a toxic substance into water bodies is harmful for consumption by humans, animals, and aquatic life. This results in loss of species, loss of biodiversity, habitat loss among various other complications. In further essays, we will discuss the causes and effects of water pollution. Organic and inorganic chemicals, pathogens, physical impurities and sensory factors such as temperature rise, which are widely found in water, are included in water pollutants.

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