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Welfare essays

Welfare essays

Corporations are seen more than just tools and methods of living, but rather this way of life dictates the lives of millions as this system provides jobs and employment as welfare essays outlet of societal contribution. Overall, there is an improvement, from a time that has been defined as a recession, the growth is slow and constrained, but expected to improve further, therefore the current economic stage is that of a recovery, or early recovery. Some patients may be denied permission to leave welfare essays request as the homes would benefit by keeping the patient for a longer time, welfare essays. SOCIAL WELFAE POLICY has always been a controversial subject in the United States because of the difference between its perceived and real benefits. It is also important to note that welfare programs have played a significant role in the health sector, welfare essays.


SOCIAL WELFAE POLICY has always been a controversial subject in the United States because of the difference between its perceived and real benefits. Usually public is unable to decide who are social welfare programs designed for and welfare essays they actually benefit the target population. The government on its part fails to convince the public of the benefits and advantages of having various social welfare programs running in the country. Some historians and analysts have attacked the social welfare policy and termed it government's weapon against the able-bodied poor. Katz contends that the "the core of most welfare reform in America since the early nineteenth-century," has been the assault against the "able-bodied poor" -- a crusade to "define, locate and purge them from the roles of relief.

The problem is grounded in vaguely defined and…. References Blanche D. Coll: Safety Net: Welfare and Social Security, Rutgers University Press. New Welfare essays, NJ. Gupta, Gunja San, Black and "dangerous"? African-American working poor perspectives on juvenile reform and welfare in Victorian New York, Fann; Donald C, welfare essays. Hodges; Readings in U. Imperialism P. Sargent Boston. Social Welfare and Society The Brutality of Laissez Faire Capitalism and the Minimal Welfare State. For Chapter 5, welfare essays, the main point is that the U. went through a period of rapid industrialization and urbanization in the Welfare essays Age of that was downright brutal in its treatment of immigrant workers, blacks and Native Americans.

In this welfare essays, which resembles out own in many ways, racism was endemic, political corruption was common, and inequality in wealth and incomes was extreme. All of this is very similar to what has been happening in the U. For the last thirty years, which could well be thought of as a Second Gilded Age. Of course, in the lateth Century only a very "primitive welfare state" existed with "a minimal set of poorhouses welfare essays mental institutions," as well as public hospitals and charities funded by religious organizations Jansson,p.

In the cities, corrupt…. Progressivism was an urban, middle class reform movement of the latetha and earlyth Centuries that did attempt to deal with the social and economic problems of the United States in a limited way, almost always through regulations on the welfare essays and local levels. In many ways, the origins of social work as a modern profession and welfare essays welfare state can be traced back to this era, particularly to the work of Jane Addams at Hull house in Chicago and other urban reformers. Addams also supported national health insurance, public housing, old-age pensions and social security at the federal level, although these welfare essays not come about until the New Deal of the s and Great Society of the s Jansson, p.

Early welfare essays workers like Addams soon came to understand that there was an "ethic of mutual assistance" in immigrant and ethnic communities that still exists today, and this was often the only form of welfare and social security that they had Jansson, p, welfare essays. This has changed little today with Latino and Asian communities in contemporary urban centers. In the post period, the U. again became the favorite destination for millions of welfare essays and economic migrants from poor countries, as it had been in the years They again faced the same low wages and miserable housing welfare essays health care conditions that the earlier immigrants had, and also had no "right to safety net programs and protections that other working Americans receive" Jansson, p.

Since the Progressive Era welfare state was more concerned with regulation of capitalism welfare essays social welfare and entitlement programs, present-day social workers "need to be familiar with the regulatory side of the American welfare state," especially regulations of wages, hours, workers' compensation, welfare essays, public health, food and drug safety and housing conditions, all of which had their origin in the Progressive Era Jansson, welfare essays, p. REFERENCE Jansson, B. The Reluctant Welfare State: Engaging History to Advance Social Work Practice in Contemporary Society, 6th Edition, welfare essays. Cengage Learning. This welfare essays seeks to develop a better community instead of providing welfare essays in order to alleviate problems, welfare essays.

The dual perspective is a structure that attempts to discuss the different social complexities which affect an individual welfare essays toward their community. This structure entails three main parts which centers on the individual, surrounded by their immediate family, called the nurturing system, and finally the sustaining system which surrounds all. The individual learns their values, beliefs, traditions, and customs from their family, or nurturing system, but these must somehow fit into the values, beliefs, welfare essays, traditions, and customs of the sustaining system.

And as the sustaining system is represented by the dominant society in which the individual exists, there can sometimes be a conflict between the values of the nurturing system and those of the sustaining system. When an individual's values, beliefs, etc. References Netting, E. Social Work Macro Practice 4th ed. Boston: Pearson. People may often be unaware of the cultural influences in their lives. They may think they are highly individualistic and original thinkers only to realize later that they are nothing like that and are actually heavily influenced by cultural beliefs. For example every culture finds itself superior to others and this is called ethnocentrism. People in the east actually believe they are far superior to those in the west because of the boundaries they maintain and respect.

However in the west, people may think they are better off than those in the east because they have more freedom, welfare essays. It is so unfortunate that even the so-called wise and intelligent people among us can be blindly controlled by ethnocentrism. For example in one Oprah Winfrey show, she commented against the practice of arranged marriages in the east and said, "we should be grateful that we were born in American where we…. Social Welfare Explain how Christianity has strongly influenced U. social welfare history. Social welfare maintains the well-being of individuals in the society.

Poor people are affected by different welfare essays like poverty and need assistance from volunteers as Christians and the welfare essays. In the s, Christians was visiting various homes of the poor people and giving them items like food and water. They could also provide other necessary items like clothes. There were efforts in England that helped to shape the social welfare of United States by addressing poverty. Christians initiated the efforts and the government assisted them later to advance the support. One of the efforts was the Speenhamland Act of The Act helped in the provision of welfare essays wages to the employees and even their families.

The government would assist in paying some part of the wages if the employers were unable to pay all costs. The act…. References Karger, H. American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach. Zastrow, C. Social elfare Policy All nation states have some sort of social welfare policy. Social welfare may be defined as the explicit and implicit terms by which the state and its citizenry establish a network of relations with one another, welfare essays. Some states assume a large burden for their citizens in their social contracts, such as Sweden, which offers its citizens a virtual 'cradle to grave' system of social welfare protections.

However, welfare essays, in financial terms the citizens pay dearly for it, in the…. New York: Oxford University Press. Why did the EA fail so miserably? What must be done to win? A eport issued by the U. Civil ights Commission stated that the EA would provide the constitutional guarantee of full citizenship for women, welfare essays, and would also treat men and women equally under the law, welfare essays, but this type of protection for women is yet to welfare essays. The Welfare essays for the Equal ights Amendment In the same way, when Scotland's First Minister Henry McLeish failed to provide free long-term care for his state's elderly, his entire administration came under threat.

The Minister had in fact hinted that he would implement Sutherland's various recommendations on this…. individuals and families kept more of their income instead of having it taxed to support social programs, would this be prudent public policy? Explain your answer. The answer to this welfare essays is 'it depends. Also, while some upper-middle class families might be welfare essays to better provide some of the social services provided by the government for themselves like access to recreational areas if they were taxed less, very poor people would not have sufficient income to do so.

Of course, welfare essays, the very 'poorest of the poor' who are barely taxed at all because their incomes were so low would be hurt the worst by this policy, as they would lose the safety net that protects them. Should there be an expectation for individuals to act in welfare essays. References Haynes, K. Affecting welfare essays Social workers welfare essays the political arena. New York, NY: Allyn Bacon. Karger, welfare essays, H. American social welfare policy: A pluralist approach 7th ed.

Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon, welfare essays. History Of Social Policy When social welfare began Social welfare has a tumultuous history, with the authorities traditionally attempting to implement legislations aimed at improving society as a whole while also keeping control over diverse communities, welfare essays. By going back to the early sixteenth century and welfare essays how the Crown attempted to issue measures that would assist the population in recovering from difficult times, one can easily comprehend how the state concentrated on helping the masses. Social welfare is most probably several millennia old, but it would be difficult to address its condition in early times because of the limited information on the topic, welfare essays.

Why welfare essays welfare began With conditions in being critical in the East Anglican region of Britain, the Crown was in charge of operating a plan that would provide the masses with resources meant to assist them recover from a period of famine. By dealing with this…, welfare essays. Social elfare -- Its Origins and Contributions hen did social welfare begin as a policy to help those who were struggling to find enough food, or suffering from a blight -- or otherwise in need of a lift from government? hy was social welfare initially launched -- and what groups or individuals were pivotal and ultimately influential as regards the social welfare movement?

These questions will be addressed and critiqued in this paper utilizing the available scholarly literature, welfare essays. hen Social elfare Began Four hundred and eighty seven years ago in a section of Great Britain known as the East Anglian region, farmers were subjected to terrible crop failures welfare essays due to pounding, welfare essays, unending rains -- and welfare essays conditions resulted in famine, welfare essays, according to a peer-reviewed article in Accounting History Review Bisman, In response to this crisis inthe British Crown appointed "commissioners" to conduct surveys of certain population….

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Feel free to contact us for free writing guides and manuals too. We would like to state that we do not, under any circumstances, provide paid custom writing help with essays, research papers, theses or dissertations. We are totally against plagiarism and cheating the educational system. Emails related to custom writing requests will not be answered. Copyright © BestEssayHelp. net - Free essay and research paper writing help. Expert academic tips and samples. All rights reserved. net Essay and research paper writing assistance. Free of charge. Welfare System Severely Abused Welfare system is a legal arrangement where a government of a given state plays a major role in provision of essential services like shelter, food, healthcare and education to its needy citizens.

About us Best Essay Help was created by a group for college students and graduates who did not receive enough academic writing help during their studies. When they are able to provide health care for themselves it means they can also provide it for their children. On the other hand, just like an umbrella species would have a negative impact on other species so can human beings. For example, when parents are unable to raise adequate income to feed their families they cannot afford health care for their children. This is because they may not be in a position to take a health insurance to cover their medical needs. Hence, the whole family is left vulnerable to all kinds of illnesses. The umbrella effect could also be a government that does not provide universal health care for all its citizens.

Therefore, a big number is left uncovered and they cannot afford primary health care. Discuss the differences between the widely held ideas about welfare recipients and the facts about them. Welfare recipients are often immigrants or poor who cannot fend for themselves. There is a misconception that people on welfare are generally lazy or aliens. This would explain why most of the people who deserve welfare fail to claim. This is especially true for immigrants as they do not want to change their status. Welfare recipients are mostly the female headed households. Most of the women have children that they gave birth to while teens.

These kinds of families are more likely to spend longer periods as recipients of welfare and are among the poorest families in the US. The average time on welfare is about Unwed mothers are the highest recipients of welfare and their children grow up lacking ideas about a complete family and find it hard to adjust in the society. Do you think the United States should adopt a single-payer system, similar to that of Canada? Using evidence from the article by Armstrong, Armstrong, and Fegan, discuss why or why not.

Yes, the United States should adopt a single payer system. The US spends more on healthcare than her counterpart Canada in a percentage of GPD and per-capita basis. The life expectancy of Canadians is higher than that of Americans. In addition, the mortality rate in Canada is lower than in the United States. This means that the health care outcomes of Canada are superior. Its single payer system is better and both the poor and the rich are able to access the same hospitals. On the other hand, the US spends more than any other country per capita on health care yet, it does not have a universal health care despite being a developed country.

Privatization of nursing homes compromises the patient care because the homes become profit oriented. The services may be compromised if providing the best is expensive. Therefore, patients may be subjected to poor diets and lack of proper medication, lighting, proper care and so on. Private owned nursing homes may fail to meet the set standard such as adequate number of personnel. The writer then wraps it up with a discussion about changes that are needed and what the writer would like to see implemented. Each month the social security office prepares and mails out millions of social security checks to those who are eligible. For one to explore and analyze the program, one first needs to understand the program completely.

Several of President Bush's ideas also seem to be feasible methods to improve the current system as well. Popple adn Leslie Leighninger Racism, nativism, and exclusion: Public policy, immigration, and the Latino experience in the United States. Journal of Poverty 4, Shacknove, a. January Who is Refugee? Ethics 95, Said, E. Platt, a. A multicultural chronology of welfare policy and social work in the United States. Social Justice 28, Reisch, M. The sociopolitical context and social work method, Social Service Review, June, Carlton-LaNey, I.

African-American reformers' mission: Caring for our girls and women. Affilia, 19, 3, Gordan, L. If the Progressives were advising us today, should we listen? Journal of the Guilded Age and Progressive Era 1, lack and white women's visions of welfare: Women's welfare activism, Journal of American History, Sept. Williams, L. An assult on white privilege: civil rights and the…. Bibliography Takaki, R. A different mirror. In a different mirror: A history of multicultural America pp Kilty, K. Corporate Social esponsibility Today's society is very much a corporate society where power is centered at many of corporate centers.

Corporations are seen more than just tools and methods of living, but rather this way of life dictates the lives of millions as this system provides jobs and employment as an outlet of societal contribution. As a result of the deep and profound impact on society, many wonder what is the long-term effects of a corporate society and what benefits, if any, are available? This line of questioning eventually leads to the idea of corporate social responsibility and the ethical and moral approach of the corporation within the human culture. The purpose of this essay is to describe the idea of corporate responsibility and examine it through the use of corporate philanthropy as a useful and practical method of success and benefit.

The profitability, both long-term and short-term, will be…. References Karnani, Aneel, The Case Against Corporate Social Responsibility. The Wall Street Journal, 23 Aug Corporate Social Responsibility: Distinction or Distraction? Bloomberg Businessweek, 9 Aug Corporate Philanthropy Programs are Diverse and Creative. Forbes, 10 Oct Another concern is that the poverty rate has not fallen as much as the caseload Sawhill pp. Fewer poor children are receiving assistance, and the incomes of the poorest one-fifth of single-parent families have continued to fall Sawhill pp.

Many families remain in deep poverty, and according to some reports, requests for emergency assistance have grown Sawhill pp. Overall, some , families were significantly worse off in than their counterparts in Sawhill pp. Since welfare reform was implemented during an unprecedented economic expansion, questions remain about how much of the good news should be attributed to the law and how much to a strong economy or to the growth of other programs such as the…. Works Cited Sawhill, Isabel. From Welfare to Work. Brookings Review. Retrieved July 23, from HighBeam Research Library Web site.

Sommerfeld, David. Race, welfare reform, and nonprofit organizations. Social Policy Human Services Making Sense of Social Policy: Why Social Policy Affects Everyone Social policy is a rather vague term because the word 'social' can have different meanings for different people Human Services , p. Social policies, in and of themselves, affect individuals at different stages in their lives. Perhaps this is the reason that many seem so baffled about the term 'social policy' and what it specifically refers to. There really isn't anything confusing, however, about the term. Social policy can really be thought of simply as a study that has to do with the people's welfare. But to clarify, social policy isn't merely about making people happy, but it is….

References: Canadian Council of Chief Executives. Unit 4. Values and Policy-Making: The What and Who of Social Policy and Its Definition. Human services UK Children and Families Homeless families are generally defined as adults with dependent children who are briefly accommodated by voluntary agency, local authority or housing association hostels in the United Kingdom Vostanis They are taken in from a few days or several months, often four to six weeks and generally provided with bread and breakfast. Although this broad definition does not include children who have lost homes and live with friends and relatives, it is estimated that there are , such displaced families in the UK today. The average family consists of a single mother and at least two children.

Trends show that these families become homeless again within a year from being housed by agencies. Domestic violence and harassment from the neighborhood are the most frequent cause behind their homelessness. The volume of homeless refugee families among them has dwindled in the late 90s, mostly confined in the…. Harrisona C. et al. Who is failing abused and neglected children? Archives of Disease in Childhood. Jackson, S Reducing risk and promoting resilience in vulnerable children. IUC Journal of Social Work, Journal Issue 4. Department of Social Relations and Services: Bemidji State University. html 3. Jowell, T et al. Lone parent families: routes to social inclusion.

txt 4. Nixon, P. Family group conference connections: shared problems and joined-up solutions. International Institutes for Restorative Practices. Addams included a large amount of environmental reforms in her program for Hull House. One of the most prominent incorporated her labors to address the unhealthful heaps of garbage in immigrant areas because of a lack of public interest. The mayor of Chicago ultimately appointed Addams garbage inspector for her region a job that she took very seriously. Addams managed garbage collectors and took violators of garbage policies to court.

Even though Addams and her associates frequently started reforms, the immigrants had a dynamic role as well, helping in knowledge gathering and its communication to their neighbors Settlement House Movement, ichmond's devotion and professionalism, along with her scientific charity has been documented and developed over the years. Her casework practice, managerial talents, research, and stress on social work education fashioned a professional environment in what was beforehand thought to be just charity work. This professionalized social work permitted philanthropic….

References Settlement House Movement. html Smith, Mark K. Casework and the Charity Organization Society. This in turn generates a kind of societal morality. As a consequence, social order becomes an incorporated trait of everyday life. According to the theory, what people see as standards are indirect behavioral rules. Infringements of the standard lead to diverse amounts of punishment depending on how common the standard may be. Chastisements can come in the shape of being disqualified from one's social group, critical looks, or imprisonment in the case of harsh infringements like killing or assault Jeanty, As sociologists and historians examine social work, they often see a profession the spirit of which is social control.

For them the language of therapy, assisting, or even empowerment masquerades a coercive center. Various recent literature of the vocation, conversely, has confronted the attitude of those researchers who depend on case reports as proof of what social workers in fact do in the field has highlighted empowerment in the…. References Burford, Gale and Adams, Paul. Restorative justice, responsive regulation and social work. Social Equity Public Administration Emergence as Concern in Field of Public Administration Social equity has always been an important aspect of public administration, though only recently is it receiving much attention in the press. Whereas in times of old social equity concerned itself primarily with issues of fairness and equality in the public workplace, today social equity is emerging as a field encompassing many different aspects of administration.

Among these include public education, policy development, hiring and promotional practices, public welfare and even transportation. In modern public administration, all of these issues are applied to the field in order to establish fairness, justice and equality for all. Social equity in the field of public administration has emerged as a response to consumer demands for equitable policy making and fairness in governance. Public administration as a whole may be defined as the management of "matters which have principally to do with…. References: Frederickson, G. Rice, M. University, Bush School Working Paper pdf Christopher, G. How do you think you are going to provide for your family and the lifestyle you are accustomed to?

They too may emphasize the masculine aspects of their jobs to "reduce the dissonance between their professional and gender identities" and to justify their career choices Christie, , p. Thereby, male social workers adhere more closely to the social definition of masculinity" ritton, J. The young people who are trying to enter into a social work profession "hope to advance research and social work services for men…. Bibliography Britton, J. Autumn, , Engendered disparity: Males in Social Work, Retrieved December 6, , from The Advocate's Forum, Vol. html Chattopadhay, T. pdf Christie, A. January, , Male social workers in child and family welfare: New directions for research, in Social work, Volume 51, number I.

Cradock's study of a correlation between population categories and child abuse lead to the development of an assessment tool that allowed social workers to determine when children were at risk for child abuse and when to intervene and what actions would be seen as an over-intervention. By using this assessment, social workers will not only know how to identify the serious danger of child abuse and what children are at-risk for being abused, but also the assessment makes it possible for social workers to determine when intervening in the situation may be dangerous or unnecessary for the children involved.

Of similar importance are the tools developed to assess and evaluate those convicted of both child physical and sexual abuse. In Milner and Murphy's study, the methods of assessment and evaluation are discussed and critiqued. These methods, including interview, observation, personality tests, and offender-specific assessments, are all studied in…. Works Cited Arad-Davidzon, Bilhah, and Benbenishty, Rami. Children and Youth Services Review. Bray, James H. Buckner, Lynn P. And Salts, Connie J. Social Order in Public Spaces Every society has certain rules and regulations that help people live together harmoniously. Some of these rules are explicit and are openly known. Other rules are implicit and therefore subtle. Both implicit and explicit rules and regulations govern a society.

However, when a person moves away from one particular society to another, he or she has difficulty in adjusting to the norms of that new society. Social order is considered to be the method of explaining such rules and regulations so that we live in a society along with its members. Social order is very essential for organizing everyday social life. When a particular group of people engage in a social activity, their social behavior may seem to threaten others. For example, when a group of people shout and scream in a street, the onlookers might find that their life, their neighborhood and society in…. Reference Bromley, S. Hinchliffe S. Making Social Lives. Open University. Social Media and Suicide Social Media Internet has become a gadget of everyday use for people of 21st century.

As it is offering many benefits to the users in terms of information communcaition, interaction, entertainment, socialization and earning livelihhod, there are certain dark factors related to it. The dark factors are as severe as forcing people to commit suicide. It is no exaggeration to mention that Intenet is used as a medium to harass people and get undue benefits from them. Social media today is playing major role in enabling people and organizations to communicate and share ideas, views and knowledge with other people. Lexton et al. The most well-known social networking website Facebook had…. References Biddle, L. Suicide and the Internet. British Medical Journal, , statistics "Facebook statistics by country," n. Psychological studies have confirmed 'altruistic behavior' can be elicited in people.

As Alan Tessier, program director in the National Science Foundation NSF says, "Much of the marginal cropland in rural communities has been converted from agriculture to forests through the Grain-to-Green Program, one of the largest 'payment for ecosystem services' programs in the world," "Results of this study show that a community's social norms have substantial impacts on the sustainability of these conservation investments. Motivated and environmentally conscious…. It turns out Matthew's needs were "extensive" because he had ADHD, neurological and visual problems. Parents need support in this situations; indeed, Richard Barth University of North Carolina researcher states that in surveys of adoptive parents "school is named as a common family stressor.

Or go to www. Adoptive children who suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS do indeed have special needs -- they have complex medical needs, including "a pattern of dysmorphic facial features," dental anomalies, possible cardiac defects and vision and hearing problems as well, according to the Children's House International Adoptions group CHIA. These children will have very serious social and educational needs because they "tend to be curious" sexually as adolescents and have little understanding of "socially appropriate sexual behavior. Works Cited Adoption. What Are Special Needs? Retrieved Dec. What Prospective Adoptive Parents Need to Know.

Adoption Blogs. Welcoming a Visually Impaired Baby to Your Family. In this paper, the inequalities in providing various human services to different societal groups in the nation will be addressed. This drives a value system that makes our work preventative by one intent. ith a clear understanding that some intervention will require a removal of the child from his or her parents' care, the value of family togetherness will direct the strategy of community involvement on the part of the agency. Specialised knowledge: The practice framework is guided by specialized knowledge on the patterns and trends dominating the landscape of abuse cases. Works Cited: BBC News. Australia 'Sorry' for Child Abuse. Bromfield, L. Child Abuse and Neglect Statistics. National Child Protection Clearinghouse.

Department for Child Protection DCP. Government of Western Australia. Statistics Show Child Abuse in Australia is Getting Worse. Early Childhoodaustralia. Social Ecology Model Social ecology requires that people see that nature and society are intertwined by progress into one environment that is made up of two differences. The first difference being biotic nature and the second being human nature. Human nature and biotic nature split an evolutionary prospective for better prejudice and elasticity. Nature is the manner in which people are flexible, extremely intellectual primates that occupy the natural world.

In other words, individuals generate an atmosphere that is most appropriate for their manner of survival. In this case, human nature is no different from the atmosphere that each animal, contingent upon its aptitudes, generates as well as acclimates to, the biophysical conditions or eco community in which it lives. On this extremely basic level, people are, in fact, doing nothing that varies from the endurance actions of nonhumans Bookchin, The SEM is made up of several levels wrapped…. References Bookchin, Murray. What Is Social Ecology? html Innovative Pediatric Nursing Role: Public Health Nurses in Child Welfare: Theoretical Framework for Health Case Management Role. Social workers try to help people make the most of their environment, their relationships, and any struggles they might have with money or family.

A lot of social workers deal with people who face life-threatening circumstances, such as criminal activity or substance abuse. Other issues that social workers try to tackle are inadequate housing, unemployment, illness, disability, or difficulties around childbirth Social Work Professions: Summary of the Social Worker Fields, There are various social work specializations, but the larger categories include child, family, and school social workers, who provide social services and assistance to children and their families; medical and public health social workers who provide support for people with illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease, cancer, or AIDS; mental health and substance abuse social workers who deal with people who struggle with psychological issues; and social workers who deal with the intricacies of social policy and planning Social Work….

References Social Work Practice. pdf Social Work Professions: Summary of the Social Worker Fields. Those values include the fact that I am very socially conscious and am very aware of my responsibilities and obligations as a social worker. I constantly strive to comprehend and understand the theories of human behaviors and social systems, and in doing so I strive to employ that understanding in order to promote the positive aspects of society and mankind. I am very apt to assist someone in solving the problems faced in their life or lives, and oftentimes see simple solutions even in the most complex scenarios. My strengths are that the values and beliefs I hold dear are the same values and beliefs that will hold me in high regard with the clientele I am most likely to interact with.

Humanism in particular plays a pivotal role in my values since I have always cared for my fellow humans and will continue to do so for as long…. One of the primary concerns was multicultural relationships -- the recognition that ethics were relative to specific cultures and that each culture had to be understood according to its own functions, has to be respected for what it is, and had to be addressed in light of its cultural history and practices so that its people could best be helped. Social work had come a long way from attempting to squeeze all citizens of America in the model of the 'perfect American' as it had done in the s. Nowadays, it is well-recognized that immigrants have many problems that deter them from receiving the rights that all Americans should receive optimal beneficial medical care and healthy living accommodations.

Suffering from handicapped language skills and ignorance about the ways of their new land, immigrants are often exploited by an unjust and insensitive system as well as by willful individuals. This is…. Reference Chesney, A. Barriers to medical care of Mexican-Americans: the role of social class, acculturation, and social isolation. Care 20, -- 91 Raemer, F. Of Social Workers. If studied carefully, this theory also hints at man's willingness and ability to survive. Those who lack this ability will naturally face extinction, while those who can fight can work things in their favor and hence improve their lot. If not used harshly, social Darwinism can help us understand man's need and ability to survive.

Social Darwinism is most commonly defined as a theory concerning "eugenic population control" and offers "complete commitment to an exclusive genetic and hereditary explanation of man's evolution. People have used this theory to explain natural disasters in poorest of countries, and in poorest of areas in some rich countries. It may actually be interesting to note that in recent past, some of…. Social Science esearch Module 3 Discussion 1- Operationalizing Constructs What does "safe" mean to you? Safe means that the airplane travels without any problems and with comfort. What types of variables could you construct to capture your concept of "safe?

This concept is based n comfort ability of the airplane. Have you ever participated in a survey? I participated in a social research activity that was done in our community. It was an educational research on the effect of drug abuse on education and learning. How were you selected to participate? Was it a random selection? I was chosen as one of the people who have never used drugs to improve classroom performance. It was not a random selection. What bias may have come into play…. References Babbie, E. The Practice of Social Research. New York: Cengage Learning. Blaikie, N. Designing Social Research. Cambridge: Polity.

Social Philosophy Concluding in Political moderation, in "A Theory of Justice," and in later works, John awls explains a comprehensive, as well as influential theory, which is on the subject of, presenting a theory of justice in concurrence with the liberal-democratic passion that relates to the rights and freedoms of individuals in society. It entails that the rights of the individuals ought to be moderated by various types of clauses, making certain that no social or natural eventualities are overlooked. The theory declares that no inborn benefits of political authority, substance riches or natural capability should irreversibly or overpoweringly establish life chances.

Furthermore, more distinctively, these morally subjective issues should not establish the value of political liberties to moral persons 1. In , awls's explains his first articulation of his theory of justice which highlights on individual abilities that he entitles the "Original Position" and in addition, a model of…. References 1. Macedo, Stephen. April Liberal Civic Education and Religious Fundamentalism: the Case of God v.

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