Cultural Diversity in the Workplace Words: Length: 8 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper : Englebert, P. The concept of cultural relativism goes against…. Many people think forced marriage and arranged marriage the same, cultural anthropology essay. pdf Killick, D. Chapter 3: Looking into the clinician's mirror: cultural self-assessment. The decentering of cultural anthropology essay culture is examined, as well as the impact on a culture when this happens.
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We use cookies to personalyze your web-site experience. Essays on Cultural Anthropology. Essay examples. My Interest in Anthropology, The Cultures and Relationships words 2 Pages. Who are we? Where did we come from? Who were our ancestors? How human beings are interrelated? A number of questions that go through our mind billions of times. To cultural anthropology essay many of these questions and to analyze the social and cultural behavior of human Cultural Anthropology My Aspirations Society. The continuous evolution of empiricism and scholasticism has necessitated the need for analytical thinking and complex researches, cultural anthropology essay.
Researchers, on the other hand, have clamoured for a need for pragmatism and well sort out models in exploring and evaluating findings surrounding the society, culture, and cultural anthropology essay Cultural Anthropology. Which is significantly in excess of million that is Cultural Anthropology Littering. This proposed research will draw from an interdisciplinary insight, cultural anthropology essay both primary cultural anthropology essay secondary research data collection will be employed. Yin states that more accuracy is achieved when the mixed method of research is used because it can be used to compensate for the Cultural Anthropology is the scientific and humanistic study of human beings through time and space from a holistic perspective that enables and constrains the learned cultural behaviors, and social interaction shared within a particular group of people.
Although this term is broadly defined, the underline Introduction Anthropology is the take a look at of humankind. Of all of the disciplines that have a look at components of human existence and accomplishments, cultural anthropology essay, most effective Anthropology explores the complete panorama of the human experience from human origins to modern kinds of way As a step to understand the history, global development, urbanization, the growth of political ideologies, and extensive human relations, culture is a way to represent patterns of human interactions in a constant state of development and adaptation.
I will go on to explain that even certain symbols might evoke Cultural Anthropology Culture and Communication. Different cultures depict the human figure in various ways. For example, cultural anthropology essay, the cultures may stress a body part that they feel is particularly significant spiritually or to the human health. Two works, Menkaure and His Queen and the Moai in Easter Island clearly demonstrate this Birdman Cultural Anthropology Human Nature. Culture Anthropology- Buddhism Buddhism is a unique religion that is divided into a number of traditions. These traditions share a set of common fundamental beliefs and principals.
In the cultural anthropology essay of the article Goody talks about the definition of culture and how it is used. Culture is a difficult word to define. It has many different meanings to many different people. Goody discusses the two ways that social scientists use the word Feeling stressed about your essay? Starting from 3 hours delivery. Aesthetics Essays Photography Essays Chinese Culture Essays Symbolism Essays Modernism Essays Tradition Essays Culture Shock Essays Realism Essays Japanese Culture Essays Vietnamese Essays. Top 10 Similar Topics Creativity Art History Subculture Heritage Color Art and Religion Cultural Competence Ethnography Artwork Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Got it, cultural anthropology essay. Haven't found the right essay? Get an expert to write you the one you need! Get your paper now. Professional writers and researchers. Sources and citation are provided.
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The result of forced marriages has been traditionally treated with hesitation by governments, for fear of offending cultural sensitive. Many people think forced marriage and arranged marriage the same. But both are not the same. An arranged marriage is performed with the complete and free assent of both parties and is still the chosen […]. Cross-cultural kids are children who are living in two or more cultural environments for a long time while being in their childhood. This means that they are raised in a multi-cultural environment regardless to their situations. TCKs are a subgroup of CCKs. They struggle with unresolved grief over there many changes and goodbyes they have […]. America has always been a diverse society in was such as racially, culturally, and regionally.
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Swahili People Group The people group I decided to chose was the Swahili people group. I believe that cultural diversity is desirable in the United States because it fosters harmonious interaction of people: it should be encouraged because it makes American Citizen's appreciate and respect each other's culture. Culture refers to an integrated system of learned conduct or behavior patterns that are distinct with members of a given society. As such, culture refers to a people's way of thinking or living. It incorporates people's traditions, religions, mode of dressing, language, values, and beliefs. Language allows people to establish a sense…. References Pojman, L. Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong, 3rd edition. Crossvergence and cultural tendencies: A longitudinal test of the Hong Kong, Taiwan and United States Banking Sectors Crossvergence in a Period of Dynamic.
Turbulent Cultural Change: Assessing The Kelley, MacNab, And Worthley Study The nuances and subtle shifts in a culture as a result of globalization is a paradox for many enterprises to manage over time and also for shot nations to anticipate and plan for economic, political and social shifts over time. As globalization continues to accelerate the integration and assimilation of diverse cultures together, the long-standing cultural frameworks including Hofstede's Model of Cultural Dimensions increasingly appears unable to capture cultural nuances effectively, and often, due to its structure, generalize differences between cultures Kelley, MacNab, Worthley, One of the most valuable lessons learned from the Kelley, MacNab, and Worthley study is that there are often significant nuances and differences in the five cultural dimensions within a region, which….
References Gupta, V. Kelley, L. Ralston, D. Sarala, R. Cross Cultural Business Conducting Cross-Cultural Business Three Cross-Cultural Differences: Certainly, among the most critical differences that must be accounted for before one begins practicing business in Asia is that regarding the way that people interact. In many ways, estern and Eastern culture stem from very different perceptions of the self and, consequently, how individuals should be expected to conduct themselves in interaction with one another. Indeed, Anbari et al. highlight this issue, indicating that "two main cultural differences have been identified. Hofstede distinguishes between individualism and collectivism.
Trompenaars breaks down this distinction into two dimensions: universalism vs. particularism and individualism vs. By contrast, in a general sense and throughout its business culture, Asia tends more toward collectivism or communitarianism. This influences how individuals express themselves…. Works Cited: Anbari, F. Cross Cultural Differences and Their Implications for Managing International Projects. Kolesnikov-Jessop, S. Respecting Cultural Differences. New York Times. Not celebrating Christmas, and not having time off from school for Persian religious holidays, has always made me take great notice of the fact that I am "different.
It took me quite awhile to come to this realization and to fully accept my culturally diverse identity as a Persian-American, but now that I have I realize that the diversity I struggled with in my youth has actually given me a great advantage in modern society. I am already prepared and well equipped not only to "deal with" cultural diversity, but to actively engage and navigate a world where it is commonplace. Learning to not only tolerate but to utilize cultural diversity in the workplace can be very difficult. Even something considered as standard by many people such…. References Carnevale, a. During, J. The art of Persian music. New York: Mage publishing.
Accessed 8 September html Woods, S. Particularism vs. Cultural Ecology Franz oaz defined the concept in anthropology, which is known by the name of "Historical Particularism. oas gives his own account of this development: The new historical view also comes into conflict with the generalizing method of science. It imposed upon the older view of nature in which the discovery of general laws was considered the ultimate aim of investigation. According to this view, laws may be exemplified by individual events, which, however, lose their specific interest once the…. Bibliography Boaz, Franz. A Franz Boaz Reader. George W. Stocking Jr. Chicago: U.
Chicago Press, Cultural Ecology. htm Marquette, Catherine. Cross-Cultural Tourist esearch Cross-Cultural Interactions From the onset, it would be prudent to offer a concise definition of two of the terms that will be variously used in this text, i. cross-cultural interactions and culture. Culture, according to Hofstede as cited in Bowe and Martin, , p. In that regard, therefore, cross-cultural interactions are in line with the ability of an individual or group of persons to not only form but also foster and enhance relationships with those who may not be members of their own culture. On this front, successful cross-cultural interactions are essentially based on….
References Bowe, H. Communication across Cultures: Mutual Understanding in a Global World. New York: Cambridge University Press. Hong, J. The Influence of National Culture on Customers' Cross-Buying Intentions in Asian Banking Services: Evidence from Korea and Taiwan. New York, NY: Routledge. Mueller, B. Communicating with the Multicultural Consumer: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives. New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing. Reisinger, Y. Cross-Cultural Behavior in Tourism. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. Support for the Tannen model only was found after additional research was done, and a new questionnaire was given that scored recipient's self-perception in terms of feminine and masculine characteristics and inculcation into traditional gender roles.
Individuals with strong gender self-images were more likely to fall in line with the Tannen model of women perceiving nurturance and males perceiving conflict in relatively neutral scenarios and seeing men in general as less cooperative. This study is provocative on several levels, not the least of which in its stress upon the individualized nature of gender norms and the lack of inherent biological tendencies towards perceiving nurturance and conflict. It suggests the need to more carefully screen subjects in terms of individualized…. Research Library. Social, Cultural, And Economic Dimensions of Information Use Library institutions play a vital role in addressing social and political issues through the provision of relevant information. It is the responsibility of front-line employees, reference service librarians, and the paraprofessionals to make decisions and set the tone that will inspire a dynamic relationship within a community.
Social Dimension Librarians are responsible in ensuring that their institution meets the demands of its users in multiple ways. In terms of the community, libraries are more than access to media and books or even the internet. In some cases, it acts as the focal point for community opportunity and involvement. In small cities, libraries are among the few public buildings where community members…. References Gallagher, A. Economic, social, and cultural rights: A legal resource guide. Philadelphia, Pa: Univ. Of Pennsylvania Press.
Trauth, E. The culture of an information economy: Influences and impacts in the Republic of Ireland. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic. Globalization and Middle Eastern Culture The term globalization has positive connotations in that it implies interaction and sharing through technology and suggests the improvement and development of less developed countries through connections with countries that are more economically wealthy. However, this is not always the way in which the term is interpreted by some countries and cultures.
There has been a negative reaction throughout the world in recent years to the concept of globalization which is increasingly viewed as a means of domination and assimilation -- especially with regard to cultural aspects. A more formal definition of globalization is as follows: Globalization can be conceived as a process or set of processes which embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions, expressed in transcontinental or interregional flows and networks of activity, interaction and power see Held and McGrew, et al.
In essence globalization is characterized…. Bibliography: Cheruiyot K. htm ; Internet: accessed December 1, Held D. And McGrew A. htm; Internet: accessed 6 December, Maisami Mona, Islam and Globalization. htm ; Internet: accessed 5 December, He looks at the methodological and practical problems that can impact assessment research in correctional settings, including the distinctive culture in correctional institutes. Megargee's reason for doing the research is today's huge population of incarcerated persons and the fact that psychological research that has been conducted on people outside of the incarceration setting may not be applicable to people who are incarcerated.
He recognizes that there is a need for research in this area to determine whether tools developed elsewhere are applicable. He points out the irony of this lack of applicable research because clinical psychology was developed in the criminal justice setting. He does not really conduct any individual research, therefore the methodology is most akin to a literature review in which he assesses the information available about correctional institutions and draws conclusions from that information to determine why there is a lack of research on assessment in correctional…. References Author Last Name, First Initial. Chapter 3: Looking into the clinician's mirror: cultural self-assessment.
In Editor's Last Name, First Initial Ed. Book Title. Place of Publication, Publisher. Megargee, E. Assessment research in correctional settings: Methodological issues and practical problems. Psychological Assessment, 7 3 , A loud burp in one setting can be a high compliment, but in others it will be considered enormously offensive. Confronting law enforcement figures over perceived transgressions of their authority is a highly prized tradition in the West, but these confrontations are actively avoided in the East. Likewise, standing for women entering a room is de rigueur in Western cultures, but such practices would be viewed as incongruent with the cultures of many Eastern countries. Then there is the matter of which hand to use and when, because these issues are significant in the East where the right hand is used for contact with others and the left hand reserved for other purposes, but such considerations never enter the minds of people in the West because this practice is not followed.
Despite these fundamental differences in religion, language, worldviews and cultural practices, it is possible to navigate these differences if…. Ethics in Anthropology The use of anthropologists in the war in Iraq is both compelling and troubling. The thought that social scientists could partner with marines to produce results in war extends my understanding of the role of social scientists well beyond the initial limited confines. Social scientists have played dominant roles in business, academia and other sociopolitical arenas. The inclusion on the battle redefines the role and provide new avenue for controversy. The troubling area is the ethics of using social scientists in a war zone. I believe that the role of social scientists will be more beneficial than harmful.
From the reading and the video it was clear that the American Anthropological Association is decidedly against anthropologists providing critical information to assist in military decision making. This position is based on the view that anthropologist in their interaction with other peoples and cultures should do no harm. Psychological and Socio-Cultural Theories of isk Definition of isk The term "risk" is often defined differently depending on the particular paradigm. When clinical psychologists, sociologists, law enforcement officials, and lay individuals identify "risky behaviors" they are referring to a broader meaning of the term "risk. In this sense the term "risk" is typically viewed in terms of possible negative outcomes as opposed to some other positive outcome such as the potential monetary gain.
This particular paper will assume that the definition of risky behavior includes some type of a…. References Aristotle. Aristotle: The Nicomachean ethics. In Ackrill J. et al. Oxford World' s Classics. York: Oxford, pp. Beck, U. Risk society: Towards a new modernity. New Delhi: Sage. Boholm, A. Risk perception and social anthropology: Critique of cultural Theory. Ethnos 61, pp. Globalization In the age of globalization, cultural precincts are anticipated as having turned out as absorbent, imprecise, and undefined. The home culture comes in contact with the foreign culture as a result of globalization while it impacts culture of the home country leaving it to be not the native but the unstable, displaced, amalgamated, diverse, and adulterated OCAA.
Globalization is the instant of collective relocation, "multiculturalism, and cosmopolitanism" Szeman, Once the culture of a nation was perceived by means of newspapers and work of fictions, but the present day has given the ever-present of novel structures of mass culture that has transfigured in to novel intercontinental systems of the thoughts. egarding culture, discussions about globalization are in consequence over and over again centered on border regions, and on the multifaceted dialogues that occur as these borders are investigated, anticipated again, and reemphasized in a world of rising, if not…. References The Globalization Challenge: Australia's Role in a Rapidly Changing World," Oxfam Community Aid Abroad OCAA.
Balibar, etienne, and Pierre Macherey On Literature as an Ideological Form: Some Marxist Propositions. Bordo, Michael D. jhtml Christie, Stuart Clear and present danger, The Guardian, November 9, , Reviews on the Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate by Naomi Klein. Globalization and its effects on non-Western cultural practices Globalization is typically defined as the phenomena of increasing world interconnectedness. It is an undeniable feature of the modern world. The world is gets smaller as technology advances and economies become interlinked.
Today's economic crisis is a prime example of globalization. One nation undergoing a financial crisis can easily become an international economic meltdown. Nederveen comments how modernization has advanced at the cost of eliminating cultural and biological diversity. This is causing alienation of groups who oppose modernity and change, causing disenchantment among many groups around the world. These groups oppose the Mcdonadlization, or the "increasing cultural standardization and uniformization" Nederveen, Cultures around the world have to either adapt to modernization or see their traditions ebb away, as seen in China and Africa. China One nation, China, reaps many of the benefits globalization has to offer, seeing its economy turn….
References Briar-Lawson, K. Globalization, social justice, and the helping professions. Albany: State University of New York Press. Adebayo, Akanmu G. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. Englebert, P. Africa: Unity, sovereignty, and sorrow. Boulder, Colo: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Henry, C. Globalization and the politics of development in the Middle East. Geertz and Common Sense Geertz: Analysis Common Sense I have come to agree with Geertz in his conclusion that common sense is shaped by the society and culture we live in. Geertz describes common sense as "a relatively organized body of considered thought" p. Throughout Local Knowledge, he refers to common sense as being based in history and personal experiences.
He offers that myth and accepted generalizations in a society for the foundation of what we call common sense. I particularly agree with Geertz in his assessment of the way intersexuality confuses the biological science scene and communities because common sense generally places sexuality into two categories: "maleness and femaleness. Common sense, as Geertz defines it, is more than the "matter-of-fact apprehension of reality" pp. Common sense can be viewed as a cultural system because it is a loosely organized body…. Reference Geertz, Clifford. The Usefulness of Anthropology in a Globalized Society In his seminal text, The Naked Ape, Desmond Morris examines the biological basis for modern human behaviors in urban settings, and makes the point that some of the more baffling ways that people act today can be traced to evolutionary responses to the exigencies of the prehistoric environment.
Since its publication in , this anthropological analysis has been followed by a growing body of scholarship concerning evolution and ecological principles and their implications for modern society Dunaif-Harris, Today, the concept of gender is undergoing increased scrutiny and notions such as pansexuality have emerged in response. The fundamental debate concerning nature versus nurture, though, still remains unresolved with respect to extent to which the environment influences modern gender roles, most especially those included in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and queer LGBTQ communities. This paper provides a review of the relevant literature…. Ethnology: Balinese vs. The Lahu Gender and Sex in Anthropology Anthropology A Case Study in Comparative Ethnology: Balinese vs.
The Lahu Defining Sex and Gender The definition of sex is generally treated as a category by both biologists and cultural anthropologists, a category with mainly two choices: male or female orthman From a biologist's perspective sex is the exchange of genetic material and the requisite biological functions required for successful procreation activities. For example, sperm and ovum are supplied by males and females, respectively, and women are the only ones capable of gestation and lactation. Primates, including humans, are generally required to make significant investments in child-rearing activities, so parental investment, in addition to mating investment, is thought to be required of both sexes McIntyre and Edwards The form that parental investment takes can in turn be heavily influenced by social norms, and accordingly sex helps to….
Works Cited Cunningham, Clark E. Melvin Ember and Carol R. New York, NY: Macmillan Reference USA, Du, Shanshan. McIntyre, Matthew H. And Edwards, Carolyn P. Web of Science. Parker, Lynette. Kinship structures, then, are not normative, but is actually consisted of the mother and child alone, illustrating how the role of males have been gradually decreasing to being 'suppliers' of sperm cells for the women's use in assisted reproduction. Studies from Carsten and Stone demonstrate the aspects demonstrated in Kahn's research. Carsten's research centers primarily on the kinship system extant in Malaysia, while Stone looks at how females have managed to gradually increase and assert their role in human society, eventually having their own choice to actively participate in the process of reproduction or not.
Carsten's analysis of the Malaysian kinship system shows that the concept of family goes beyond the traditional distinction of blood relations -- that is, people consider an individual as part of the family even though they are not related in blood. Being considered as part of family, then, happens through a process of constant interaction…. Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Social Science Cultural Anthropology Essays Cultural Anthropology Essays Examples.
Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. However, the basic aim of anthropological field research is to describe the total culture of a group of people… Bibliography Scheper-Hughes, N. The concept of cultural relativism goes against… References International Society for Quality in Health Care, For the Chippewa, these beliefs impact the person's behavior and how they… References Bailey, G. Considering environment as a key point to cultural development… Bibliography Brown, Chris. Gigibit-per-second Internet speed is blazing fast, consider the realities it brings as described in the AP article, Google Picks Kansas City, "The… Works Cited "Google Picks Kansas.
omen loved stilettos because it was a welcome return to femininity; when the men came back from war in the s, they were expected to… Works Cited Cox, Caroline. Cultural Impact on Politics Political Words: Length: 15 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : The formulation and operation of power in the largely patriarchal social order in the world today divides along other line than gender, with political action influenced most by ideology, religion, divisions of power, and other aspects of group… References Adler, F.
Cultural Schemata Theory Together With Formal Schemata Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural schemata theory is described as the pre-existing knowledge about… References: Fuhong, T. Cultural Briefing Document Zurich Switzerland the Lj Words: Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Representation of Social Class Social Class Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : First of all the social class that someone belongs to is determined by symbols such as wealth, preferences and social behaviors such as the… References Gabrenya, W.
Cultural Observation of Dress Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Case Study Paper : This is used to make… Inside a corporate atmosphere everyone is expected to dress in a suit and tie. Cultural Diversity in Organizations Organization Words: Length: 17 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Innovations are the most important tool an organization has in hand… Reference list: Brittan, S. Cultural School Focuses on the Culture of Words: Length: 12 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : His or her perspective on the world is shaped by this culture, and since organizations are a… Rieger, F.
Cultural Sensitivity Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Cultural Dimension Theory One of Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Capstone Project Paper : Anthropology What Else Do Folk Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Attitude Towards Animals in India Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : the large animal population is more a liability than an asset in view of our land resources" Harris 1 According to Orthodox Hindu doctrine: "the cow is… Works Cited "Animals in Indian culture. Anthropology the Process of Enculturation Words: Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Anthropology Japanese-American Internment During the Words: Length: 18 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Anthropology - Ethnicities Nationalisms Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : Interview:… Works Cited Balibar, Etienne.
Anthropology Bronislaw Malinowski Is One Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Third, all societal phenomena or trends exist for the sole reason that… Bibliography Malinowski, Bronislaw. Anthropology Women of Deh Koh Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Simin's own mother "brought a bag with… Works Cited Friedl, Erika. Culture and the Military Cultural Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Thesis Paper : When there is no longer any interaction within a culture or between a given culture and other cultures, there is no longer any point to that culture, and indeed that culture could not realistically exist… References DiMarco, L.
Sociology and Anthropology Because Sociology and Anthropology Words: Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : This paper will investigate the different research methods used… References American Anthropological Association. Notion of Culture in Anthropology Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : There are various anthropologists who have attempted to define and specify the culture including Edward Tylor whose definition incorporates various significant features that are currently included in most… Work Cited: Bonvillain, Nancy. Cross Cultural Theories Based on Bend it Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Bend it like Beckham, is a comedy-drama film in which the title is derived from a famous England football player David Beckham and his ability to score from… Reference list Bates, D.
Anthropology Its Holism or Its Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Cultural Theories Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : The United States' culture supports a particularly long adolescence, and leaving home and beginning a family is no longer… References Chapter 1 summary. Cultural Globalization Despite the Prevailing Words: Length: 7 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : Prahalads' book the Fortune… References Bryan Caplan, Tyler Cowen. Cultural Capital Colonialism Oppression Race and Others Words: Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : The poetry of Derek Walcott also… Reference Abdulhadi, R.
Who are we? Where did we come from? Who were our ancestors? How human beings are interrelated? A number of questions that go through our mind billions of times. To answer many of these questions and to analyze the social and cultural behavior of human Cultural Anthropology My Aspirations Society. The continuous evolution of empiricism and scholasticism has necessitated the need for analytical thinking and complex researches. Researchers, on the other hand, have clamoured for a need for pragmatism and well sort out models in exploring and evaluating findings surrounding the society, culture, and man Cultural Anthropology. Which is significantly in excess of million that is Cultural Anthropology Littering. This proposed research will draw from an interdisciplinary insight, therefore both primary and secondary research data collection will be employed.
Yin states that more accuracy is achieved when the mixed method of research is used because it can be used to compensate for the Cultural Anthropology is the scientific and humanistic study of human beings through time and space from a holistic perspective that enables and constrains the learned cultural behaviors, and social interaction shared within a particular group of people.
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